"Baise-Moi" is one of the most controversial French novels of recent years, a punk fantasy that takes female rage to its outer limits. Now the basis for a hit underground film which was banned in France, " Baise-Moi" is a searing story of two women on a rampage that is part Thelma and Louise, part Viking conquest. Manu and Nadine have had all they can take. Manu has been brutally raped, and determines it's not worth leaving anything precious lying vulnerable -- including her very self. She teams up with Nadine, a nihilist who watches pornography incessantly, and they enact their own version...
"Baise-Moi" is one of the most controversial French novels of recent years, a punk fantasy that takes female rage to its outer limits. Now the basis f...
"Virginie Despentes's Apocalypse Baby kept me up several nights in a row--in part because it's a terrific page-turner, and in part because I was anxious to see how Despentes would sustain her narrative ride. Apocalypse Baby is more than a compelling punk, queerish spin on the noir genre. It is a choral performance that tumbles its readers into the heart of violent spectacle, with all its attendant grief, unease, and unclarity."--Maggie Nelson, author of The Argonauts
Apocalypse Baby is a smart, fast-paced mystery about a missing adolescent girl traveling...
"Virginie Despentes's Apocalypse Baby kept me up several nights in a row--in part because it's a terrific page-turner, and in part because I wa...
In a wrecked modern version of a romance novel, acclaimed French writer Virginie Despentes pokes at the simultaneous ecstasy and banality of love in an age of psychiatry and punk.
Gloria lives in seething rage, lashing out at everyone--particularly, a string of bewildered boyfriends--at the local bar. But when her latest explosion leaves her out on the street, she unexpectedly runs into famed television personality Eric Muir. Incidentally, he's also her teenage boyfriend, and the one who started it all.
Once upon a time, Gloria and Eric met while institutionalized, and then...
In a wrecked modern version of a romance novel, acclaimed French writer Virginie Despentes pokes at the simultaneous ecstasy and banality of love i...
On retrouve Vernon, toujours SDF, et mal en point. L'ancien disquaire est dA(c)connectA(c) du monde rA(c)el, sans ambition ni projets. Il apprend A vivre dans la rue, au cAtA(c) de Charles, un poivrot collant. Les anciens amis de Vernon continue de le traquer comme il possA]de la (TM)interview inA(c)dite du rockeur Alex Bleach, enregistrA(c)e peu avant sa morta ] Une formidable suite aprA]s un premier tome saluA(c) par une presse unanime et plusieurs fois primA(c). A Un livre de combat portA(c) tout A la fois par une capacitA(c) da (TM)indignation inentamA(c)e et une empathie...
On retrouve Vernon, toujours SDF, et mal en point. L'ancien disquaire est dA(c)connectA(c) du monde rA(c)el, sans ambition ni projets. Il apprend A vi...