This work presents the story of the Kosciuszko Squadron, a small group of American flyers that formed without the support of the State Department and the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. The goal was to defend Poland from the Bolshevik armies from Russia and to prevent the communist revolution in Russia from uniting with the German Spartakus movement in the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1919-1920. The book covers the events leading to the formation of the squadron and first efforts to enlist American military help for Poland in 1918. It explores why that small group of Americans felt...
This work presents the story of the Kosciuszko Squadron, a small group of American flyers that formed without the support of the State Department and ...
The end of World War II found a devastated Poland under Soviet occupation. Many Poles--those displaced to work camps in Germany, those in German concentration and P.O.W. camps, and those still in Poland made the decision to immigrate to the United States. Their journey, however, would not be easy. The rigors of the war had affected America as well, and immigration laws were strict. Fortunately, many Polish refugees received help from the Polish American Immigration and Relief Committee (PAIRC). Founded in 1947 to help Polish citizens displaced by World War II, the committee continued its work...
The end of World War II found a devastated Poland under Soviet occupation. Many Poles--those displaced to work camps in Germany, those in German conce...