For seven years, Rifka Rosenwein voiced the pleasures and frustrations of her life in "The Home Front," a monthly column in The New York Jewish Week. Whether discussing religion and family, her torchbearer perspective as the daughter of Holocaust survivors, or the tensions between motherhood and career, Rifka's storytelling always struck a chord with readers. Rifka captures the details of motherhood - from the first love in kindergarten, to the first painful separation of overnight camp, to the discovery that her daughter might just need a doll after all. After her diagnosis of terminal...
For seven years, Rifka Rosenwein voiced the pleasures and frustrations of her life in "The Home Front," a monthly column in The New York Jewish Week. ...
"A glittering novel about fate, fantasy, and the anonymity of urban life." --O, The Oprah Magazine
"Read Visible City. Tova Mirvis's graceful yet vigorous New York novel is about the half-inadvertent window-peeping that city life enables, and where it can lead." --New York Magazine
After chaotic days of wrangling and soothing her young children, Nina spends her evenings spying on the quiet, contented older couple across the street. But one night, through her same window, she spies a young couple in the throes of passion....
"A glittering novel about fate, fantasy, and the anonymity of urban life." --O, The Oprah Magazine