PROF. DR. anus PEETERS PRESIDENT- ExECUTIVE DIRECTOR, POLICY RESEARCH CORPORATION N. V. The "Strategies for Global and Regional Ports" confirms that container shipping in the wider Caribbean is in for tumultuous development in the years to come. One of the driving forces behind the momentous changes expected in the provision of maritime liner services in the region, is the growing reliance by major container carriers on multi-layered transhipment concepts and hub ports. Given its favourable location at the junction of North-South and East- West trades, the Caribbean region is increasingly...
PROF. DR. anus PEETERS PRESIDENT- ExECUTIVE DIRECTOR, POLICY RESEARCH CORPORATION N. V. The "Strategies for Global and Regional Ports" confirms that c...
PROF. DR. anus PEETERS PRESIDENT- ExECUTIVE DIRECTOR, POLICY RESEARCH CORPORATION N. V. The "Strategies for Global and Regional Ports" confirms that container shipping in the wider Caribbean is in for tumultuous development in the years to come. One of the driving forces behind the momentous changes expected in the provision of maritime liner services in the region, is the growing reliance by major container carriers on multi-layered transhipment concepts and hub ports. Given its favourable location at the junction of North-South and East West trades, the Caribbean region is increasingly...
PROF. DR. anus PEETERS PRESIDENT- ExECUTIVE DIRECTOR, POLICY RESEARCH CORPORATION N. V. The "Strategies for Global and Regional Ports" confirms that c...