During the past decade, thousands of former state-controlled companies in more than 100 different countries have entered the private sector. These firms range in size and commercial significance from small family-owned kiosks in Russia to some of the largest, most influential corporations in Western and Central Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Miller provides a comprehensive, business-oriented perspective on the origin and geographic expansion of the privatization movement, and describes the methods that governments use and the objectives they hope to achieve in the divestment of state...
During the past decade, thousands of former state-controlled companies in more than 100 different countries have entered the private sector. These ...
Death on the Silk Road By Russell R. Miller: Is a contemporary traveler's tale of deceit, deception and international intrigue, involving an ordinary man facing extraordinary circumstances in a highly unusual location, Kazakhstan. Charlie Connelly, a retired international executive with tenuous ties to the Central Intelligence Agency finds himself on a consulting project for a global banking corporation assigned to a mining project in the remote Tien Shan Mountains of newly independent Kazakhstan. A silent killer with obscure motives threatens Connolly and a group of mismatched international...
Death on the Silk Road By Russell R. Miller: Is a contemporary traveler's tale of deceit, deception and international intrigue, involving an ordinary ...