Violet Rose is a self-proclaimed sixth grader super-sleuth, a foster child who discovers that many of the people in her normal suburban town are actually supernatural beings hiding in seemingly ordinary lives. She solves cases after homework while learning about the magical gift her grandfather passed onto her.
Violet Rose is a self-proclaimed sixth grader super-sleuth, a foster child who discovers that many of the people in her normal suburban town are actua...
Open Water Swimming: A Complete Guide for Swimmers and Triathletes is aimed at all levels of open water swimmer, from beginners right through to competing professionals. It covers all aspects of the sport: its history and health benefits; a through introduction to getting started; a full discussion on training equipment and how it should be used; the safety and legal aspects of choosing a suitable location for swimming; acclimatization for both the beginner and the experienced swimmer. The author then goes on to explain in detail all technical aspects of open water swimming; sighting;...
Open Water Swimming: A Complete Guide for Swimmers and Triathletes is aimed at all levels of open water swimmer, from beginners right through to compe...