Economic globalization has intensified on the basis of new international links, especially in the field of foreign direct investment, financial capital flows and telecommunications liberalization. These and other developments have reinforced international interdependence and raise new issues for international organizations as well as for strategic behavior of major actors. Based on historical perspectives of evolution of major organizations and the latest developments in the 1990s the analysis focus on financial market dynamics, monetary issues and labor market aspects. Reform options for...
Economic globalization has intensified on the basis of new international links, especially in the field of foreign direct investment, financial capita...
This book offers examples of how experience and innovation can be combined to create something new, with a particular emphasis on practical implementation, such as generating successful solutions by merging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and managerial concepts.
This book offers examples of how experience and innovation can be combined to create something new, with a particular emphasis on practical impleme...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union experts present their analyses of historical developments and new economic challenges for the EU. After a reflection on historical dynamics, the contributors point out the dramatic economic shifts between Europe, Asia and the US. Representatives from major central banks (including the ECB), other leading banks, and academia analyze the dynamics of the Eurozone and financial market integration in the context of globalization and economic growth. Furthermore, the authors discuss the challenges of information and communication...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union experts present their analyses of historical developments and new economic challenges...
Economic progress in the digital knowledge society will be characterized by enormous structural change and the growth of digital services. This book focuses on the role of information and communication technologies for economic integration, networking and growth. It highlights technological and regulatory dynamics with respect to EU countries and the US and presents new policy conclusions at both the national and international levels, including welfare analysis.
Economic progress in the digital knowledge society will be characterized by enormous structural change and the growth of digital services. This boo...
Untersucht werden der internationale Technologieentwurf und die Arbeitsmarktprobleme bei verscharfter Standortkonkurrenz. Vor dem Hintergrund neuer Technologietrends und der europaischen Standortkrise werden die Herausforderungen einer neuen Mittelstandspolitik und einer modernen Forderung von Unternehmensgrundungen diskutiert. Neben theoretischen und international vergleichenden Aspekten behandelt die Analyse Fragen alternativer Konzepte einer beschaftigungs- und innovationsfreundlichen Wirtschaftspolitik. Mehr Risikokapital, bessere Chancenverwertung, veranderte Rahmenbedingungen und neue...
Untersucht werden der internationale Technologieentwurf und die Arbeitsmarktprobleme bei verscharfter Standortkonkurrenz. Vor dem Hintergrund neuer Te...
Am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wandelt sich die alte Industriegesellschaft in eine digitale Wissensgesellschaft. In diesem Buch wird dieser grundlegende Wandel analysiert. Festnetz- und Mobilanwendungen des Internet werden vor dem Hintergrund der europaischen und globalen Deregulierung dargestellt. Aus empirischer Sicht werden erstmals die Wachstumseffekte der Telekommunikation fur Deutschland untersucht; zudem die Wirkungen des Internet fur Wachstum und Beschaftigung quantifiziert. Die Herausforderungen an die Wirtschaftspolitik werden in 10 Geboten fur die Internet- und Bildungspolitik...
Am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wandelt sich die alte Industriegesellschaft in eine digitale Wissensgesellschaft. In diesem Buch wird dieser grundlegen...
Russlands Ubergang zu einem marktwirtschaftlichen System ist in einer neuen kritischen Phase. Dieser Band behandelt Fragen der Wachstumspolitik, des Strukturwandels und der internationalen Integration ebenso wie ein Einwirken des Internationalen Wahrungsfonds und anderer Organisationen. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Sichtweisen auf die Reformproblematik in Russland berucksichtigt, einschliesslich verfassungspolitischer Aspekte. Thematisiert werden auch Reformdefizite und alternative Optionen der Wirtschaftspolitik sowie die Problematik einer schwankenden Rohstoffpreisentwicklung. Das Buch...
Russlands Ubergang zu einem marktwirtschaftlichen System ist in einer neuen kritischen Phase. Dieser Band behandelt Fragen der Wachstumspolitik, des S...
The internationalisation of information and communication has accelerated since the 1990s in Europe and worldwide. Taking a close look at the empirical analysis of competitive trade positions, trends in foreign direct investment and the internationalisation of research and development in ICT brings many new insights about the expansion in the EU s most dynamic sector. Moreover, the analysis discusses case studies on key players in ICT and suggests major policy
The internationalisation of information and communication has accelerated since the 1990s in Europe and worldwide. Taking a close look at the empir...
P. J. J. Welfens Paul J. J. Welfens John T. Addison
This text argues that the process of globalization is asymmetric. Although the growing role of multinationals suggests favourable prospects for higher global growth and economic catching-up, there is also a new concept of a long-term equilibrium income gap in which convergence seems unlikely.
This text argues that the process of globalization is asymmetric. Although the growing role of multinationals suggests favourable prospects for higher...
Economic globalisation is a long-term international process in which the roles of the EU, ASEAN, Korea, Japan and China are of increasing importance. Trade dynamics and foreign investment, as well as regional policy cooperation in Europe and Asia, are discussed here along with historical developments. Moreover, the book highlights links between European Community law and WTO regulations. The key challenges posed by China's economic expansion are part of the analysis; specific issues concern international outsourcing and off-shoring as well as regional economic integration in a period of...
Economic globalisation is a long-term international process in which the roles of the EU, ASEAN, Korea, Japan and China are of increasing importanc...