While the concepts of individual and collective human rights are well-known and have produced important changes in international law, there has emerged a "third generation" of human rights claims calling for the "rights of peoples." These include economic rights such as the right to development and the right to permanent sovereignty over natural resources, as well as more ambitious rights like the rights to peace and a healthy environment. This collection of essays is the first full-length study of this controversial topic, discussing from a variety of viewpoints the claims made for a third...
While the concepts of individual and collective human rights are well-known and have produced important changes in international law, there has emerge...
The chapters published in this volume developed from presentations, and their associated discussions at a conference organised by the Scottish Branch of the British Psychological Society, held at Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland in September 1987. The goal of the conference was to bring together workers across a wide area of neuropsychological research to discuss recent technological advances, developments in assessment and rehabilitation, and to address theoretical issues of current interest. Thus, the chapters in this book include contributions on the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and...
The chapters published in this volume developed from presentations, and their associated discussions at a conference organised by the Scottish Branch ...
The 1920s and 1930s constituted an unforgettable epoch in Wall Street history. Brooks outlines the metaphor of the era's financial boom and bust: Golconda, now a ruin, was a city in south-eastern India where, according to legend, everyone got rich ... a similar legend attached to Wall Street between the wars.
The 1920s and 1930s constituted an unforgettable epoch in Wall Street history. Brooks outlines the metaphor of the era's financial boom and bust: Golc...
Ex-cel-lence (n.) 1. The clearly false and destructive theory that a company ought to be great at everything it does. 2. A mistaken goal in which the predictable outcome is that the company ends up world-class at nothing--not well-differentiated and therefore not thought of by consumers at the moment of need.
Based on exhaustive research, The Myth of Excellence provides conclusive evidence of the futility of trying to be excellent in all aspects of a commercial transaction--price, product, access, experience, and service. Instead, the strategy for your products and services should...
Ex-cel-lence (n.) 1. The clearly false and destructive theory that a company ought to be great at everything it does. 2. A mistaken goal in which the ...
Whether you are one of those tired moms, contemplating giving up, or just need some relief, or whether you are just considering homeschooling and don't know where to start, you'll find this book full of answers and practical help. Think Outside the Classroom offers a refreshing look at what a "real education" is, and practical strategies for implementing a relaxed approach to education in your family.
Whether you are one of those tired moms, contemplating giving up, or just need some relief, or whether you are just considering homeschooling and don'...