Adrian Raine Department of Psychology. University of Southern California. USA Jose Sanmartin Queen Sojia Center for the Study of Violence. Valencia. Spain The problems that psychopathic and violent offenders create for society are not restricted to North America. Instead, these offenders create havoc throughout the world, including Europe. In recognition of this fact, Queen Sophia of Spain has promoted a Center for the Study of Violence which recognizes both biological and social contributions to the cause of violence. In November 1999, the Queen Sofia Center for the Study of Violence held...
Adrian Raine Department of Psychology. University of Southern California. USA Jose Sanmartin Queen Sojia Center for the Study of Violence. Valencia. S...
Adrian Raine Department of Psychology. University of Southern California. USA Jose Sanmartin Queen Sojia Center for the Study of Violence. Valencia. Spain The problems that psychopathic and violent offenders create for society are not restricted to North America. Instead, these offenders create havoc throughout the world, including Europe. In recognition of this fact, Queen Sophia of Spain has promoted a Center for the Study of Violence which recognizes both biological and social contributions to the cause of violence. In November 1999, the Queen Sofia Center for the Study of Violence held...
Adrian Raine Department of Psychology. University of Southern California. USA Jose Sanmartin Queen Sojia Center for the Study of Violence. Valencia. S...