This book is directed primarily toward two types of readers. First, it is intended for use as a textbook for students in a liberal education course in science for non-science and non-engineering majors in college or univer sity. The technical level of presentation assumes no background in chemis try or physics on the part of the reader, and no science prerequisites or prior preparation are of concern. At the same time, elementary equations of chemistry and physics are included, particularly in relation to interconver sion of energy resources and utilization, for the benefit of the student...
This book is directed primarily toward two types of readers. First, it is intended for use as a textbook for students in a liberal education course in...
This book is directed primarily toward two types of readers. First, it is intended for use as a textbook for students in a liberal education course in science for non-science and non-engineering majors in college or univer sity. The technical level of presentation assumes no background in chemis try or physics on the part of the reader, and no science prerequisites or prior preparation are of concern. At the same time, elementary equations of chemistry and physics are included, particularly in relation to interconver sion of energy resources and utilization, for the benefit of the student...
This book is directed primarily toward two types of readers. First, it is intended for use as a textbook for students in a liberal education course in...