Need money for college? This simple, straightforward guide shows you how to find scholarships, grants, and other -free money- to use toward your college expenses. You get expert advice on applying for federal grants, participating in state tuition plans, competing for scholarships from private organizations, and more - with tips on avoiding scams, completing your applications on time, and finding financial aid from unlikely sources.
This volume comprises the proceedings of the First International Rehovot Conference on Modern Agriculture and the Environment. It covers the broad spectrum of environmental problems related to agriculture, such as chemical pesticides, means to reduce their utilization, and some of the main alternatives to their overuse and misuse; pollution caused by chemical fertilizers, aquaculture and heavy metals; treatment of wastewater; recycling of municipal and agricultural wastes; modelling and bioremediation of agricultural pollution; as well as economic and policy aspects of natural resources....
This volume comprises the proceedings of the First International Rehovot Conference on Modern Agriculture and the Environment. It covers the broad spe...