Michael Quante focuses on what Hegel has to say about such central concepts as action, person and will, and then brings these views to bear on contemporary debates in analytic philosophy. This book enables professional analytic philosophers and their students to understand the significance of Hegel's philosophy to contemporary theory of action. As such, it will contribute to the ever-increasing erosion of the barrier between the continental and analytic approaches to philosophy.
Michael Quante focuses on what Hegel has to say about such central concepts as action, person and will, and then brings these views to bear on contemp...
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, first published in 1807, is a work with few equals in systematic integrity, philosophical originality and historical influence. This collection of essays, contributed by leading Hegel scholars, examines all aspects of the work, from its argumentative strategies to its continuing relevance to philosophical debates. The collection combines close analysis with wide-ranging coverage of the text, and also traces connections with debates extending beyond Hegel scholarship, including issues in the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of action,...
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, first published in 1807, is a work with few equals in systematic integrity, philosophical originality and historical ...
Die berhmten Pariser Manuskripte des jungen Marx, eingefhrt und erlutert in einer Edition, die die Anordnung des handschriftlichen Textes wahrt und die zentralen Ausfhrungen zu Hegels Theorie der Anerkennung nicht in den Anmerkungsapparat verbannt. Der Grundtext des undogmatischen Marxismus.
Die berhmten Pariser Manuskripte des jungen Marx, eingefhrt und erlutert in einer Edition, die die Anordnung des handschriftlichen Textes wahrt und di...
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, first published in 1807, is a work with few equals in systematic integrity, philosophical originality and historical influence. This collection of essays, contributed by leading Hegel scholars, examines all aspects of the work, from its argumentative strategies to its continuing relevance to philosophical debates. The collection combines close analysis with wide-ranging coverage of the text, and also traces connections with debates extending beyond Hegel scholarship, including issues in the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of action,...
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, first published in 1807, is a work with few equals in systematic integrity, philosophical originality and historical ...
The identity of a person has to be analyzed in terms of three questions: What determines the entity of a person? What has to happen so that a person from yesterday is 'identical' to the person of today? What do we regard as identity in the sense of self-understanding and self-awareness? This book shows how in our everyday understanding the two 'identities' of human persons - persistence and personality - intertwine.
The identity of a person has to be analyzed in terms of three questions: What determines the entity of a person? What has to happen so that a perso...
This book brings together the debate concerning personal identity (in metaphysics) and central topics in biomedical ethics (conception of birth and death;
This book brings together the debate concerning personal identity (in metaphysics) and central topics in biomedical ethics (conception of birth and de...
But already a first glance at the metaphysics of potentials shows that concerning their ascription potentials are more problematic than dispositions since "potential" means that an entity has the potential to acquire a property in the future.
But already a first glance at the metaphysics of potentials shows that concerning their ascription potentials are more problematic than dispositions s...