Das Kaufrecht der kontinentalen Rechtsordnungen beruht auf dem Recht des romischen Vertrages emptio venditio. Auch das englische Recht ist von romischen Vorstellungen nicht unberuhrt geblieben. Was einen Kaufvertrag im Gegensatz zum Tausch ausmacht, wurde von den romischen Juristen ermittelt. Die antiken romischen Vorschriften zum Kauferschutz gegen Sachmangel wurden ebenso wie der Satz vom sofortigen Ubergang der Gefahr Grundlagen der Rechtsentwicklung seit dem Mittelalter. Uberall in Europa ist modernes Kaufrecht das Ergebnis einer produktiven Auseinandersetzung um die Sachgerechtigkeit...
Das Kaufrecht der kontinentalen Rechtsordnungen beruht auf dem Recht des romischen Vertrages emptio venditio. Auch das englische Recht ist von romi...
Die Erforschung des romischen Rechts wendet sich zunehmend den Realitaten des antiken Rechtslebens zu. Dahinter steht die Erkenntnis, dass sich auch das rechtswissenschaftliche Schrifttum der romischen Juristen zu einem erheblichen Teil auf die Vorgange des Rechtsverkehrs bezog. Zugleich erlaubt die epigraphische Uberlieferung einen unmittelbaren Einblick in die Rechtsgeschafte des antiken Alltags. Die urkundlich uberlieferte Rechtspraxis und das rechtswissenschaftliche Schrifttum der iurisconsulti sind aufeinander zu beziehen und erschliessen sich in ihrer Wechselbeziehung der heutigen...
Die Erforschung des romischen Rechts wendet sich zunehmend den Realitaten des antiken Rechtslebens zu. Dahinter steht die Erkenntnis, dass sich auc...
Our studies of aesthetics and knowledge have long tended to privilege the visual at the expense, Wolfgang Ernst argues, of the aural. "Sonic Time Machines "aims to correct that, presenting a striking new approach to theorizing sound that investigates its split existence: as a temporal effect in a techno-cultural context and as a source of knowledge and information. Ernst creates a new term for the concept at the heart of the book, sonicity, a flexible and powerful term that allows him to consider sound with all its many physical, philosophical, and cultural valences. "
Our studies of aesthetics and knowledge have long tended to privilege the visual at the expense, Wolfgang Ernst argues, of the aural. "Sonic Time Mach...
In the popular imagination, archives are remote, largely obsolete institutions: either antiquated, inevitably dusty libraries or sinister repositories of personal secrets maintained by police states. Yet the archive is now a ubiquitous feature of digital life. Rather than being deleted, e-mails and other computer files are archived. Media software and cloud storage allow for the instantaneous cataloging and preservation of data, from music, photographs, and videos to personal information gathered by social media sites.
In this digital landscape, the archival-oriented media theories...
In the popular imagination, archives are remote, largely obsolete institutions: either antiquated, inevitably dusty libraries or sinister repositor...
In the popular imagination, archives are remote, largely obsolete institutions: either antiquated, inevitably dusty libraries or sinister repositories of personal secrets maintained by police states. Yet the archive is now a ubiquitous feature of digital life. Rather than being deleted, e-mails and other computer files are archived. Media software and cloud storage allow for the instantaneous cataloging and preservation of data, from music, photographs, and videos to personal information gathered by social media sites.
In this digital landscape, the archival-oriented media theories...
In the popular imagination, archives are remote, largely obsolete institutions: either antiquated, inevitably dusty libraries or sinister repositor...
Seit Beginn menschlicher Kultur waren Heilkundige bemuht, Kranken auch mit geeigneten Worten zu helfen. Archaische und mittelalterliche Heilspruchtexte, bisher als magische oder per Wortakt performierende Instrumente gedeutet, werden vom Autor erstmals nach neurobiologisch moglichen Funktionsablaufen unter die Lupe genommen. Textinhalte und Wortfiguren werden nach Kriterien emotionaler Verarbeitung per frontaler Regulierung, als Reaktion auf kognitive Inkongruenzen, als Imagination von Regression und als extro- und introversive Katharsis beschrieben. Dabei zeigt sich, dass fliessende...
Seit Beginn menschlicher Kultur waren Heilkundige bemuht, Kranken auch mit geeigneten Worten zu helfen. Archaische und mittelalterliche Heilspruchtext...
Rail and road accidents are examples of new sources of harm, particularly personal injury, which arose almost simultaneously across Western Europe. The area of rail accidents provides early examples of a move away from fault liability in certain countries, but not in others. Although statutory regulation and extra-statutory standards form part of the context of liability, private law actions for damages and the plasticity of fault ideas remain central to the law's response. Insurance determines the relative importance of private law actions. Traffic liability is a field in which different...
Rail and road accidents are examples of new sources of harm, particularly personal injury, which arose almost simultaneously across Western Europe. Th...
Like most of Wolfgang Ernst's work, Das Rumoren der Archiv explored the concept of archival and media theory from a current cultural digital context. Ernst challenges the traditional perspective of the cultural heritage institution and how it relied on media for creating, storing and disseminating digital information. Archives have a place in a digital society, and the archivist's role will be more increasingly vital in the future. As Ernst points out, his work will show a way out of the archive, away from the notion that the era of archive is coming to an end. Here is the long-awaited...
Like most of Wolfgang Ernst's work, Das Rumoren der Archiv explored the concept of archival and media theory from a current cultural digital context. ...
Monetary law is essential to the functioning of private transactions and international dealings by the state: nearly every legal transaction has a monetary aspect. Money in the Western Legal Tradition presents the first comprehensive analysis of Western monetary law, covering the civil law and Anglo-American common law legal systems from the High Middle Ages up to the middle of the 20th century. Weaving a detailed tapestry of the changing concepts of money and private transactions throughout the ages, the contributors investigate the special contribution made by legal scholars and...
Monetary law is essential to the functioning of private transactions and international dealings by the state: nearly every legal transaction has a mon...
Wolfgang Ernst has demonstrated that the knowledge of time-giving ('chrono-poetical') media and their temporal essence enriches the tradition of philosophical inquiry into the nature of 'time'. This book, a translated and abridged edition of Ernst's two major volumes, Chronopoetik and Gleichursprunglichkeit, undertakes this on three levels: a close analysis of time-critical moments within media technologies; descriptions of how media temporalities affect and disrupt the traditional human sense of time; and questioning the traditional position of media time within cultural history. The book...
Wolfgang Ernst has demonstrated that the knowledge of time-giving ('chrono-poetical') media and their temporal essence enriches the tradition of philo...