Current database technology and computer hardware allow us to gather, store, access, and manipulate massive volumes of raw data in an efficient and inexpensive manner. In addition, the amount of data collected and warehoused in all industries is growing every year at a phenomenal rate. Nevertheless, our ability to discover critical, non-obvious nuggets of useful information in data that could influence or help in the decision making process, is still limited. Knowledge discovery (KDD) and Data Mining (DM) is a new, multidisciplinary field that focuses on the overall process of...
Current database technology and computer hardware allow us to gather, store, access, and manipulate massive volumes of raw data in an efficient and in...
In today's business arena information is one of the most important resources possessed by enterprises. In order to support proper information flow, businesses deploy transactional systems, build decision support systems or launch management information systems. Unfortunately, the majority of information systems do not take advantage of recent developments in knowledge management, thus exposing companies to the risk of missing important information, or what is even worse, leading them to misinterpret information.
Knowledge-Based Information Retrieval and Filtering from the...
In today's business arena information is one of the most important resources possessed by enterprises. In order to support proper information flow,...
Welcome to BIS'99 Business Information Systems 99 is an international conference being held for the third time. BIS'99 aims to discuss the development, implementation, application and improvement of computer systems for business processes. It is addressed to the scientific community, people involved in the development of business computer applications, and to consultants helping to properly implement computer technology and applications in industry. Over 50 selected papers will be presented at BIS'99 during the scientific and practical sessions. The papers deal with a variety of topics...
Welcome to BIS'99 Business Information Systems 99 is an international conference being held for the third time. BIS'99 aims to discuss the developmen...
BIS 2007 was the tenth in a series of international conferences on business information systems. The conference took place in Poznan, where it started in 1997. From the very beginning it has been recognized by professionals as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of topical research in the development, implementation, application and improvement of computer systems for business processes. The theme of this jubilee conference was Semantic Integration of Data and Processes across Enterprises and Societies. The material collected in this volume covers research trends as well as current...
BIS 2007 was the tenth in a series of international conferences on business information systems. The conference took place in Poznan, where it started...
Technologies for Business Information Systems The material collected in this book covers a broad range of applications of c- puter science methods and algorithms in business practice. It presents a research cutting edge in development, implementation, and improvement of computer s- tems. We publish this book with intention that it helps to establish strong foun- tions for further development of research in this area and support people involved in business computer applications, those implementing computer technology in industry. The computer science and information systems topics covered in...
Technologies for Business Information Systems The material collected in this book covers a broad range of applications of c- puter science methods and...
BIS 2009 held in Pozna? was the 12th in a series of international conferences on Business Information Systems. The BIS conference series has been recognized by professionals from its very beginning as a forum for the exchange and d- semination of topical research in the development, implementation, application and improvement of computer systems for business processes. The theme of the conference was Information Systems for Agile Organi- tions. The material collected in this volume covers recent tendencies in making organizations more responsive to external conditions. On the one hand, onto-...
BIS 2009 held in Pozna? was the 12th in a series of international conferences on Business Information Systems. The BIS conference series has been reco...
Over the last few decades, business information systems have been one of the most important factors in the transition toward a knowledge-basedeconomy. At thesametimetheyhavebeensubjecttocontinuousrapiddevelopmentandin- vation driven both by industry and by academia. During the last 12 years these innovationswerecarefullyobservedbut alsoshapedbyresearchersattending the annual International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS). Recently, apart from the main conference, workshops covering speci?c topics in the area of business information systems have been organized. In 2007 and...
Over the last few decades, business information systems have been one of the most important factors in the transition toward a knowledge-basedeconomy....
Business information systems is a rapidly developing domain. There are many topicsthatdeserveattentionbuthavenotyetfoundaplaceincanonicalresearch. Workshops give researchers the possibility to share preliminary ideas, ?rst - perimental results, or to discuss research hypotheses. Discussions held during presentations strengthen the paper and prepare it for publication. From our - perience, workshops are a perfect instrument with which to create a community aroundvery speci?c researchtopics, thus o?ering the opportunity to promote it. Topics that do not ?nd critical feedback at the main...
Business information systems is a rapidly developing domain. There are many topicsthatdeserveattentionbuthavenotyetfoundaplaceincanonicalresearch. Wor...
In today's business arena information is one of the most important resources possessed by enterprises. In order to support proper information flow, businesses deploy transactional systems, build decision support systems or launch management information systems. Unfortunately, the majority of information systems do not take advantage of recent developments in knowledge management, thus exposing companies to the risk of missing important information, or what is even worse, leading them to misinterpret information.
Knowledge-Based Information Retrieval and Filtering from the...
In today's business arena information is one of the most important resources possessed by enterprises. In order to support proper information flow,...
BIS 2010 held on 3 5 May 2010 in Berlin, Germany was the 13th in a series of international conferences on Business Information Systems. The BIS conference series has been recognised by professionals from its very beginning as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of topical research in the development, - plementation, application and improvement of computer systems for business processes. The theme ofthe conferencewas Future InternetBusiness Services. A n- ber of new initiatives are already underway to address the challenges related to explosive development of Internet applications,...
BIS 2010 held on 3 5 May 2010 in Berlin, Germany was the 13th in a series of international conferences on Business Information Systems. The BIS confer...