Anyone can do it. Anyone. Stop thinking. Stop being afraid. Stop sweating, you'll get the hook all damp. Yes, with the help of the Chicks with Sticks, anyone can learn to crochet in just a weekend--and by Sunday night, beginners will know what they're doing and have the confidence to do it. Advanced beginners (the ones who have already made an afghan square) will have fresh, fashion-forward projects to wear around town. First up is an introductory section on tools and materials. Then the Chicks present a series of lessons that each introduce...
Join the clique of the Chicks with Sticks
Anyone can do it. Anyone. Stop thinking. Stop being afraid. Stop sweating, you'll get the hook all...
Jonathan I. Charney Mary Ellen O'Connell Donald K. Anton
The editors and contributors have formed this collection to honor Louis Henkin in his 80th year. He has contributed greatly to the fields of international and constitutional law, to teaching and scholarship, to the international community and to each of the contributors and editors personally. They wanted to acknowledge his outstanding work and they wanted to inspire the next generation of international lawyers by highlighting the impact of Henkin's contribution to international and constitutional scholarship. The editors believe the essays in this collection demonstrate tangibly what can be...
The editors and contributors have formed this collection to honor Louis Henkin in his 80th year. He has contributed greatly to the fields of internati...
The world is poised for another important transition. The United States is dealing with the impact of the Afghan and Iraq wars, the use of torture and secret detention, Guantanamo, climate change, nuclear proliferation, weakened international institutions, and other issues related directly or indirectly to international law. The world needs an accurate account of the important role of international law and The Power and Purpose of International Law seeks to provide it.
Mary Ellen O'Connell explains the purpose of international law and the power it has to achieve that purpose....
The world is poised for another important transition. The United States is dealing with the impact of the Afghan and Iraq wars, the use of torture and...
The world is poised for another important transition. The United States is dealing with the impact of the Afghan and Iraq wars, the use of torture and secret detention, Guantanamo, climate change, nuclear proliferation, weakened international institutions, and other issues related directly or indirectly to international law. The world needs an accurate account of the important role of international law and The Power and Purpose of International Law seeks to provide it.
Mary Ellen O'Connell explains the purpose of international law and the power it has to achieve that purpose....
The world is poised for another important transition. The United States is dealing with the impact of the Afghan and Iraq wars, the use of torture and...
Michael Bothe Mary Ellen O'Connell Natalino Ronzitti
With considerable insight and analysis, the editors and contributors to the book--the world's leading ethicists, political scientists and international lawyers--investigate the use of force since the end of the Cold War and, simultaneously, what changes have or should occur with respect to sovereignty and the law in the 21st century. Redefining Sovereignty has resulted from three groundbreaking workshops on international law and the use of force: the first was held in Rome soon after NATO's 1999 intervention in Kosovo; the second took place in Frankfurt after the U.S.-led invasion of...
With considerable insight and analysis, the editors and contributors to the book--the world's leading ethicists, political scientists and internationa...
International law has lacked a widely-accepted definition of armed conflict despite the essential human rights and other rules that depend on such a definition. During armed conflict, government forces have "combatant immunity" to kill without warning. They may detain enemy forces until the end of the conflict without the requirement to provide a speedy and fair trial. Governments may have asylum obligations or neutrality obligations based on the existence of armed conflict. To fill this gap in our knowledge of the law, the International Law Association's Committee on the Use of Force...
International law has lacked a widely-accepted definition of armed conflict despite the essential human rights and other rules that depend on such a d...
This volume of "The Library of Essays in International Law" focuses on the classic procedures of peaceful settlement: negotiation, good offices, inquiry, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement and agencies for dispute resolution.
This volume of "The Library of Essays in International Law" focuses on the classic procedures of peaceful settlement: negotiation, good offices, inqui...