Anyone with a computer has heard of viruses, had to deal with several, and has been struggling with spam, spyware, and disk crashes. This book is intended as a starting point for those familiar with basic concepts of computers and computations and who would like to extend their knowledge into the realm of computer and network security. Its comprehensive treatment of all the major areas of computer security aims to give readers a complete foundation in the field of Computer Security. Exercises are given throughout the book and are intended to strengthening the reader s knowledge - answers...
Anyone with a computer has heard of viruses, had to deal with several, and has been struggling with spam, spyware, and disk crashes. This book is i...
Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813), one of the greatest mathematicians of the 18th century, made important contributions to the theory of numbers and to analytical and celestial mechanics. His most important work is Mecanique Analytique (1788), the textbook on which all subsequent work in this field is based. A contempo rary reader is surprised to find no diagrams or figures of any kind in this book on mechanics. This reflects one extreme approach to graphics, namely considering it unimportant or even detracting as a teaching tool and not using it. Today, of course, this approach is...
Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813), one of the greatest mathematicians of the 18th century, made important contributions to the theory of numbers and t...
Der Band untersucht die Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie anhand zweier Leitfragen: Stellt Postdemokratie wirklich eine stabile Ordnung dar oder doch nur einen Zwischenzustand zu einer autoritaren Uberwindung der politischen Demokratie? Welche demokratischen Formen der Uberwindung von Postdemokratie konnen zugleich als Verwirklichung sozialer Demokratie begriffen werden? Untersucht werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl Modelle, die helfen, das Postdemokratietheorem zu spezifizieren als auch die Bedeutung von Formen der Transnationalisierung fur die Postdemokratische...
Der Band untersucht die Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie anhand zweier Leitfragen: Stellt Postdemokratie wirklich eine stabile O...