Clinical psychologists have been dealing with miserable feelings since their discipline was established. In the last 30 years, neuroscientists have made major headway in the understanding of the sources of anger, depression, and fear. Today, whole industries profit from this knowledgeproducing pills for every sort of pathological mood disturbance. But until recently, few neuroscientists focused on the subject of happiness. Now, in The Science of Happiness, leading German science journalist Stefan Klein ranges widely across the latest frontiers of neuroscience and neuropsychology to explain...
Clinical psychologists have been dealing with miserable feelings since their discipline was established. In the last 30 years, neuroscientists have ma...
Collaboration of organizations reshapes traditional managerial practices and creates new inter-organizational contexts for strategy, coordination and control, information and knowledge management. Heralded as organizational forms of the future, networks are at the same time fragile and precarious organizational arrangements, which regularly fail. In order to investigate the new realities created by technology-enabled forms of network organizations and to address the emerging managerial challenges, this book introduces an integrative view on inter-firm network management. Centred on a...
Collaboration of organizations reshapes traditional managerial practices and creates new inter-organizational contexts for strategy, coordination a...
Popular science at its very best, The Secret Pulse of Time awakens us to and empowers us with the idea that time is far more at our disposal than we have previously realized. Award-winning journalist Stefan Klein-- whose previous book, The Science of Happiness, is a longtime international bestseller--here provides what are essentially "operating instructions" for time. Through a combination of original investigation and reportage, personal revelation, and a commanding presentation of scientific research (among disciplines including brain physiology, social psychology,...
Popular science at its very best, The Secret Pulse of Time awakens us to and empowers us with the idea that time is far more at our disposal th...
One of the major challenges for European governments is to solve the dilemma of increasing the security and reducing fraud in international trade, while at the same time reducing the administrative burden for commercial as well as public administration organisations.
To address these conflicting demands, the ITAIDE project has developed a large set of innovative IT-related tools and methods that enable companies to be better in control of their business operations. These tools and methods have been integrated in the ITAIDE Information Infrastructure (I3) framework....
One of the major challenges for European governments is to solve the dilemma of increasing the security and reducing fraud in internatio...
Collaboration of organizations reshapes traditional managerial practices and creates new inter-organizational contexts for strategy, coordination and control, information and knowledge management. Heralded as organizational forms of the future, networks are at the same time fragile and precarious organizational arrangements, which regularly fail. In order to investigate the new realities created by technology-enabled forms of network organizations and to address the emerging managerial challenges, this book introduces an integrative view on inter-firm network management. Centred on a...
Collaboration of organizations reshapes traditional managerial practices and creates new inter-organizational contexts for strategy, coordination a...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich VWL - Arbeitsmarktokonomik, Note: noch nicht verfugbar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg (Institut fur allgemeine Wirtschaftsforschung), Veranstaltung: Arbeitsmarktpolitik im internationalen Vergleich, 57 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Deutschland, ein Land im Umbruch. Getrieben von Altlasten und Wohltatigkeitsrelikten "besserer Tage," verfolgt von der immer rasanteren Globalisierung und der Angst, den hart erarbeiteten Wohlstand des Landes aufs Spiel zu setzen, sieht sich die Bundesrepublik seit geraumer Zeit...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich VWL - Arbeitsmarktokonomik, Note: noch nicht verfugbar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg (Institut f...
For the third time now, experts in tourism from all over the world come to Innsbruck in order to exchange ideas, inform themselves and others about current developments and build a network of personal relations. The main topics of ENTER 96 are business engineering and standardisation, covering a wide area of subjects like the redesign of touristic products and the processes of their production. This covers, however, not only single business processes but also the entire value chain in tourism, ending up in redesign of distribution channel and changing relations among principals, tour...
For the third time now, experts in tourism from all over the world come to Innsbruck in order to exchange ideas, inform themselves and others about cu...
Revered today as perhaps the greatest of Renaissance painters, Leonardo da Vinci was a scientist at heart. The artist who created the Mona Lisa also designed functioning robots and digital computers, constructed flying machines, and built the first heart valve. His intuitive, ingenious approach--a new mode of thinking--linked highly diverse areas of inquiry in startlingly original ways, ushering in a whole new era.
In Leonardo's Legacy, award-winning science journalist Stefan Klein provides "an illuminating new look at Leonardo's unique genius" (Publishers Weekly),...
Revered today as perhaps the greatest of Renaissance painters, Leonardo da Vinci was a scientist at heart. The artist who created the Mona Lisa also d...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 2,0, FOM Essen, Hochschule fur Oekonomie & Management gemeinnutzige GmbH, Hochschulleitung Essen fruher Fachhochschule, Veranstaltung: BWL - Logistik, 24 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die nachfolgende Ausarbeitung soll sowohl die Bedeutung als auch die Kausalitat von Logistikplanung und -organisation in Relation zur Beschaffungslogistik darstellen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Beschaffungslogistik innerhalb der Unternehmung als wichtigstes Element einzustufen ist. Ohne...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 2,0, FOM Essen, Hochschule fur Oekonomie & Management ge...
Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit beschreibt das Key Account Management. Ferner gibt sie einen Uberblick zum marketingpolitischen Instrumentarium und dessen Einfluss auf ein Key Account Management.
Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Sprache: De...