Electrodermal activity is one of the most frequently used psychophysiological evaluations in psychology research. Based on the 1992 edition of this work Electrodermal Activity covers advances in the field since the first publication in 1992. The current volume includes updated information on brain imaging techniques such as PET and fMRI, which provide further insight into the brain mechanisms underlying EDA. In addition, this volume is able to describe more reliably hypotheses that have been successfully tested since the first publication.
Electrodermal activity is one of the most frequently used psychophysiological evaluations in psychology research. Based on the 1992 edition of this...
Electrodennal activity refers to electrical changes across the skin in areas of the body that are psychologically responsive. The eccrine sweat glands are the primary detenninant of electrodennal activity, and these are psychologically active especially on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. As a matter of convenience, electrodennal activity is most often recorded from the palms. Over the years, the electrodennal response has been known as the psychogalvanic reflex, the galvanic skin response, the skin resistance response, the skin conductance response, and the skin potential...
Electrodennal activity refers to electrical changes across the skin in areas of the body that are psychologically responsive. The eccrine sweat glands...
Die Messung der elektrodermalen Aktivitat stellt wohl die mit Abstand am haufigsten verwendete Methode zur Erfassung physiologischer Begleiterscheinungen psychischer Vorgange dar. Mit dieser Monographie wird erstmals eine Gesamtdarstellung vorgelegt: in ihr sind die anatomischen, physiologischen, physikalischen und psychologischen Grundlagen integriert, die Methodik sowie - einfuhrungsartig - die Verwendung elektrodermaler Messtechniken in den wichtigsten Anwendungsbereichen der beteiligten Disziplinen beschrieben. Das Buch ist als Standardwerk anzusehen. Es informiert uber zentrale und...
Die Messung der elektrodermalen Aktivitat stellt wohl die mit Abstand am haufigsten verwendete Methode zur Erfassung physiologischer Begleiterscheinun...