This book challenges the popular thesis of a downward trend in the viability of welfare states in competitive market economies. With approaches ranging from historical case studies to cross-national analyses, the contributors explore various aspects of the relationships between welfare states, industrial relations, financial government and production systems. Building upon and combining comparative studies of both the varieties of capitalism and the worlds of welfare state regimes, the book considers issues such as: *the role of employers and unions in social policy *the...
This book challenges the popular thesis of a downward trend in the viability of welfare states in competitive market economies. With approaches ran...
This book challenges the popular thesis of a downward trend in the viability of welfare states in competitive market economies. With approaches ranging from historical case studies to cross-national analyses, the contributors explore various aspects of the relationships between welfare states, industrial relations, financial government and production systems. Building upon and combining comparative studies of both the varieties of capitalism and the worlds of welfare state regimes, the book considers issues such as: *the role of employers and unions in social policy *the...
This book challenges the popular thesis of a downward trend in the viability of welfare states in competitive market economies. With approaches ran...
Warum interessieren wir uns für die Haarfarbe Gerhard Schröders oder die Schönheitsoperationen Silvio Berlusconis? Philip Manow antwortet: Weil ein Teil der symbolischen Bedeutung, die ihren Sitz einst im Körper des Königs hatte, in der Demokratie nachlebt, nicht nur im Herrscherkörper, sondern auch im zentralen politischen Körper der repräsentativen Demokratie: dem Parlament. Zum Ausgangspunkt für seinen Essay über die politische Anatomie der Demokratie wählt Manow die Gestaltung moderner Plenarsäle. Anhand von weiteren Überlegungen zur Immunität von Abgeordneten, zur...
Warum interessieren wir uns für die Haarfarbe Gerhard Schröders oder die Schönheitsoperationen Silvio Berlusconis? Philip Manow antwortet: Weil ein...
1. 1 Problemstellung Es gehort zu den heute allgemein akzeptierten Erkenntnissen, dass Politik sektoral differenziert ist. Dahinter steht die - vor allem von der Policy-Forschung vermittelte - Einsicht, dass Funktionsprobleme moderner Gesellschaften und darauf abzie lende Steuerungsversuche keinen universellen Charakter besit zen, sondern eine hochgradig politikfeldspezifische Pragung aufweisen. Im folgenden wird es darum gehen, die Entwick lung und den langfristigen Wandel eines dieser Politikfelder zu analysieren, ohne sich dabei auf die Erklarung von Einzelpha nomenen wie...
1. 1 Problemstellung Es gehort zu den heute allgemein akzeptierten Erkenntnissen, dass Politik sektoral differenziert ist. Dahinter steht die - vor al...
Sixty years of democratic representation in Germany allow us to study the working of a specific type of electoral system, namely a mixed system combining proportional and majoritarian rules, in great detail. Mixed systems have figured as a reference point in many reform debates of the recent past. This is because they appear to combine advantageous traits of proportional and majoritarian rules, such as fairness, proximity between constituencies and representatives, and stable government majorities. Mixed systems have also attracted much scholarly attention of late, because they allow us to...
Sixty years of democratic representation in Germany allow us to study the working of a specific type of electoral system, namely a mixed system combin...
This volume provides an analytical framework that links welfare states to party systems, combining recent contributions to the comparative political economy of the welfare state and insights from party and electoral politics.
This volume provides an analytical framework that links welfare states to party systems, combining recent contributions to the comparative political e...