Mama and Papa agree that eggs for breakfast would be nice, but they're too busy to go to the store. So they decide that Hetty is old enough to go by herself. Although she practices walking smoothly up the hill so she won't break the precious eggs, she can't help running all the way down. Young readers will hold their breath as Hetty tries her very best to get those eggs home safely. "The story is remarkable for its evocative imagery, and the loving interchange between the characters sets a charming tone. The words are perfectly complemented by Lewis's dazzling, impressionistic watercolors...
Mama and Papa agree that eggs for breakfast would be nice, but they're too busy to go to the store. So they decide that Hetty is old enough to go by h...
Clover's mom says it isn't safe to cross the fence that segregates their African-American side of town from the white side where Anna lives. But the two girls strike up a friendship, and get around the grown-ups' rules by sitting on top of the fence together. With the addition of a brand-new author's note, this special edition celebrates the tenth anniversary of this classic book. As always, Woodson moves readers with her lyrical narrative, and E. B. Lewis's amazing talent shines in his gorgeous watercolor illustrations.
Clover's mom says it isn't safe to cross the fence that segregates their African-American side of town from the white side where Anna lives. But the t...
"Is -- Reginald -- at -- it -- again?" Papa shouts between notes. "Hush up," Mama says, "I just love this one." Papa sometimes comes home in a bad mood because he's the manager of the Dukes -- the worst team in the Negro National League. Reginald loves his violin. His constant practice pays off in floods of beautiful music. But Papa could care less about Reginald's "fiddling." He's more concerned about the Dukes's losing streak, and he needs his son for something other than playing music. When Papa makes Reginald the Dukes's bat boy, Reginald worries that...
"Is -- Reginald -- at -- it -- again?" Papa shouts between notes. "Hush up," Mama says, "I just love this one." Papa someti...
Reginald loves to create beautiful music on his violin. But Papa, manager of the Dukes, the worst team in the Negro National League, needs a bat boy, not a "fiddler," and traveling with the Dukes doesn't leave Reginald much time for practicing. Soon the Dukes' dugout is filled with Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach -- and the bleachers are filled with the sound of the Dukes' bats. Has Reginald's violin changed the Dukes' luck -- and can his music pull off a miracle victory against the powerful Monarchs? Gavin Curtis's beautifully told story of family ties and team spirit and E. B. Lewis's...
Reginald loves to create beautiful music on his violin. But Papa, manager of the Dukes, the worst team in the Negro National League, needs a bat boy, ...
Virgie was always begging to go to school with us boys. "Papa, Mama, can I go too?" My brothers had doubts. School was seven miles away -- a long way from Mama. Virgie was scarcely big as a field mouse. How could she make the trip? And girls didn't really need school. But I got to thinking: Virgie was free like we were. Free to learn. And didn't girls need to know how to write and add too? Mama and Papa thought so. And one summer, they decided to do something about it. That was the year Virgie came to school with us boys. And she sure showed us
Virgie was always begging to go to school with us boys. "Papa, Mama, can I go too?" My brothers had doubts. School was seven miles aw...
Delving into the natural beauty of New Jersey's famous coastline, Noble has crafted a wondrous tale explaining the origin of the Cape May Diamond--fragments of quartz what have ridden the Delaware River to the Cape May's sandy shores. Full color.
Delving into the natural beauty of New Jersey's famous coastline, Noble has crafted a wondrous tale explaining the origin of the Cape May Diamond--fra...
WINNER OF A CORETTA SCOTT KING HONOR AND THE JANE ADDAMS PEACE AWARD Each kindness makes the world a little better This unforgettable book is written and illustrated by the award-winning team that created The Other Side and the Caldecott Honor winner Coming On Home Soon. With its powerful anti-bullying message and striking art, it will resonate with readers long after they've put it down. Chloe and her friends won't play with the new girl, Maya. Every time Maya tries to join Chloe and her friends, they reject her. Eventually Maya stops coming to school. When...
WINNER OF A CORETTA SCOTT KING HONOR AND THE JANE ADDAMS PEACE AWARD Each kindness makes the world a little better This unforgettable book ...