Differential algebraic groups were introduced by P. Cassidyand E. Kolchin and are, roughly speaking, groups defined byalgebraic differential equations in the same way asalgebraic groups are groups defined by algebraic equations.The aim of the book is two-fold: 1) the provide an algebraicgeometer's introduction to differential algebraic groups and2) to provide a structure and classification theory for thefinite dimensional ones. The main idea of the approach is torelate this topic to the study of: a) deformations of (notnecessarily linear) algebraic groups and b) deformations oftheir...
Differential algebraic groups were introduced by P. Cassidyand E. Kolchin and are, roughly speaking, groups defined byalgebraic differential equations...
Develops an arithmetic analog of the theory of ordinary differential equations, where functions are replaced by integer numbers, the derivative operator is replaced by a 'Fermat quotient operator', and differential equations (viewed as functions on jet spa
Develops an arithmetic analog of the theory of ordinary differential equations, where functions are replaced by integer numbers, the derivative operat...
Bridging the gap between procedural mathematics that emphasizes calculations and conceptual mathematics that focuses on ideas, Mathematics: A Minimal Introduction presents an undergraduate-level introduction to pure mathematics and basic concepts of logic. The author builds logic and mathematics from scratch using essentially no background except natural language. He also carefully avoids circularities that are often encountered in related books and places special emphasis on separating the language of mathematics from metalanguage and eliminating semantics from set...
Bridging the gap between procedural mathematics that emphasizes calculations and conceptual mathematics that focuses on ideas, Mathematics:...