It has been five years since the publication of the first edition of Microoptics Technology. In that time, optical technology has experienced an unparalleled burst of activity that has produced a body of significant real results that have advanced new materials, devices, and systems. Building on the foundation of the first edition, this comprehensive reference presents an introduction and review of the optics and methods of microoptic elements with particular emphasis on lenses and lens arrays. The author explores advances that emerged from the flurry of activity over the last five years....
It has been five years since the publication of the first edition of Microoptics Technology. In that time, optical technology has experienced an unpar...
This book will discuss how glass and glass ceramic interact with light, both transiently and permanently. Ways that light permanently alter the properties of glass and glass ceramic like the color, refractive index, and mechanical and chemical behaviors will be included. Each photochromatic phenomenon will be discussed in detail from the physical and chemical origin to the method fabrication and ultimately to their utilization.
This book will discuss how glass and glass ceramic interact with light, both transiently and permanently. Ways that light permanently alter the pro...