Safety by Objectives What Gets Measured and Rewarded Gets Done Second Edition Dan Petersen One of the nation's leading consultants in the field of safety management and organizational behavior has updated and expanded this groundbreaking work. Providing new insight into ensuring increased safety in the workplace, no matter what the organizational style of the company, Safety by Objectives demonstrates how accountability drives better safety performance. The author shows how to devise, install, operate, and maintain tailor-made accountability systems that will foster a sense of safety...
Safety by Objectives What Gets Measured and Rewarded Gets Done Second Edition Dan Petersen One of the nation's leading consultants in the field of saf...
There used to be a specific safety analysis model to follow that fit all situations, but more and more, that thinking is being replaced by a more practical, adaptive approach based on specific personnel, functions, and the facilities involved. Dan Petersen captures this new way of thinking in his completely updated and revised classic reference, Analyzing Safety System Effectiveness. Establishing a three-part paradigm, he uses a step-by-step approach safety professionals can use to develop flexible new plans for analyzing the physical, managerial, and behavioral aspects of their existing...
There used to be a specific safety analysis model to follow that fit all situations, but more and more, that thinking is being replaced by a more prac...
Human Error Reduction and Safety Management Dan Petersen Now in an expanded and updated Third Edition, Human Error Reduction and Safety Management illustrates how managers, by controlling the physical and psychological situations under which workers operate, can modify employees' behavior in such a way as to reduce error, accidents, and consequently on-the-job injuries and illnesses. While retaining the previous editions' focus on the role of line management in maximizing safety in the workplace, the book also details the role that upper and middle management must play in implementing...
Human Error Reduction and Safety Management Dan Petersen Now in an expanded and updated Third Edition, Human Error Reduction and Safety Management ill...
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportpadagogik, Didaktik, Note: 1,5, Veranstaltung: Referendariat Niedersachsen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Unterrichtsfach Sport sehen sich die Lehrkrafte mit einem permanenten Dilemma konfrontiert. So mussen sie nicht nur ihrem Auftrag zur Motivierung der Schulerinnen und Schuler zu lebenslangem und auerschulischem Sporttreiben gerecht werden, sondern gleichermaen deren Leistung bewerten. Basis dieser Leistungsbewertung sind in der Regel fremdbestimmte Kriterien, die fur die Lernenden oftmals unverstandlich und wenig nachvollziehbar...
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportpadagogik, Didaktik, Note: 1,5, Veranstaltung: Referendariat Niedersachsen, Sprache: Deuts...