A Book Sense Notable Title "As Gessner pursues the ospreys] down the Eastern Seaboard and even into Cuba with a BBC documentary team at his heels, a lively tale of fish-eating raptors, broken embargoes and a nail-biting race to the finish line ensues . . . Gessner finds his Mecca not in the thrilling launch or triumphant end of his own 7,000-mile migration, but in the living done in between." Jennifer Winger, "Nature Conservancy Magazine" "An engaging, lyrical guide to osprey migration, Cuba, and a common humanity." "Orion Magazine" "Gessner's finest book, unpredictable in the...
A Book Sense Notable Title "As Gessner pursues the ospreys] down the Eastern Seaboard and even into Cuba with a BBC documentary team at his heels...
Archetypal wild man Edward Abbey and proper, dedicated Wallace Stegner left their footprints all over the western landscape. Now, award-winning nature writer David Gessner follows the ghosts of these two remarkable writer-environmentalists from Stegner's birthplace in Saskatchewan to the site of Abbey's pilgrimages to Arches National Park in Utah, braiding their stories and asking how they speak to the lives of all those who care about the West.
These two great westerners had very different ideas about what it meant to love the land and try to care for it, and they did so in...
Archetypal wild man Edward Abbey and proper, dedicated Wallace Stegner left their footprints all over the western landscape. Now, award-winning nat...