Traditionally the process of design has concentrated on the construction phase itself, with the primary objective being to optimise efficiency and minimise costs during development and construction. With the move towards a more sustainable development comes the need for this short-term approach to be expanded to encompass the entire service life of the structure. This book describes how to optimise the service life of structures, through an optimum integrated life cycle design process. Sustainability and material performance issues are detailed. Integrated Life Cycle Design of...
Traditionally the process of design has concentrated on the construction phase itself, with the primary objective being to optimise efficiency and min...
Predictive and Optimised Life-Cycle Management sets out methodologies to meet the demands of the current trend towards sustainable civil engineering and building.
Encompassing all aspects of construction practice, from design through to demolition and the recycling of materials, Sarja provides tools for optimal property-value protection, including a description of an integrated and predictive Life-Cycle Maintenance and Management Planning System (LMS), which employs a wide range of techniques.
Clear and practical, this guide provides effective methodology required to change a...
Predictive and Optimised Life-Cycle Management sets out methodologies to meet the demands of the current trend towards sustainable civil engineerin...