The Economics of Faith-Based Service Delivery provides the first ever comprehensive empirical assessment of the role that faith-inspired institutions (FIIs) play in the supply of health care and education services in sub-Saharan Africa. Wodon focuses on estimating the market share, reach to the poor, and cost for households that rely on FIIs as opposed to public and private secular providers of education and health care services. He also analyzes the causes of user reliance on FIIs, the comparative performance of FIIs, and the level of satisfaction among those that use their services. The...
The Economics of Faith-Based Service Delivery provides the first ever comprehensive empirical assessment of the role that faith-inspired institutions ...
This study provides a basic diagnostic of residential network (piped) water coverage and affordability in Uganda and its relationship with poverty using a series of nationally representative household surveys for the period 2002-2013. The study first analyzes trends in residential network water coverage using both administrative and survey data. Demand-side and supply-side factors reducing the take-up of network water service by households in areas where the service is available are estimated. The study also documents the extent to which network water coverage enables household to shift time...
This study provides a basic diagnostic of residential network (piped) water coverage and affordability in Uganda and its relationship with poverty usi...
This study provides a basic diagnostic of access to safe water and sanitation in Uganda and their relationship with poverty. The analysis relies on a series of nationally representative household surveys for the period 2002-13, as well as on qualitative data collection. The study first analyzes trends in access to safe water and some of the constraints faced by households in this area using mostly household survey data. The issue of the cost of water for households without a connection to the water network is discussed with a focus on public stand pipes. Next qualitative data are presented on...
This study provides a basic diagnostic of access to safe water and sanitation in Uganda and their relationship with poverty. The analysis relies on a ...
Infrastructure and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa analyzes the extent to which, how, and how fast the infrastructure needs of the poor have been met in Sub-Saharan Africa. Estache and Wodon explore the extent to which some key policies have hurt or helped progress in trying to speed the expansions of coverage so clearly needed in the region. They focus on electricity, water, sanitation, and other services at the core of the day-to-day needs of the population, examining the extent to which reforms of the last 15-20 years have managed to reduce the infrastructure gap. They anchor their analysis...
Infrastructure and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa analyzes the extent to which, how, and how fast the infrastructure needs of the poor have been met in...