Research and development is no longer a headquarters function. More and more companies internationalize their R&D activities. The pros and cons of this approach are discussed in this book. The organizational alternatives for international R&D as well as the consequences that they have for decision making and performing R&D are also of great interest. Furthermore, measuring success of international R&D is a very difficult problem that is not yet fully understood. However, suggestions are made to improve present day practise. They are based on a large body of empirical research and management...
Research and development is no longer a headquarters function. More and more companies internationalize their R&D activities. The pros and cons of thi...
Jorg Bensinger, a group head of Audi corporation's R&D depart ment, had been waiting for long to find a chance to advertise his idea of a four-wheel drive for passenger cars to one of the board mem bers. Favorable experiences had been collected in drive tests with the lItis, a jeep-like car developed for use in the German army. The ex periences showed extremely good performance on icy roads and in snow. Bensinger's chance came in February of 1977, when he could talk to Ferdinand Piech, then R&D vice president of Audi and a technology buff. At this time Audi wasn't quite considered as a tech...
Jorg Bensinger, a group head of Audi corporation's R&D depart ment, had been waiting for long to find a chance to advertise his idea of a four-wheel d...
Die 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr Operations Research fand vom 21. bis 23. September 1977 in den Raumen der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat in Kiel statt. Mit etwa 300 Teilnehmern und Referenten aus Deutschland und mehreren europaischen Landern wurde das groBe Interesse der Fachvertreter aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und offentlicher Verwaltung an den DGOR- Jahrestagungen dokumentiert. Die zunehmende Anzahl von Beitragen zum Tagungsprogramm laBt erken- nen. daB Operations Research insbesondere fUr die Anwendungen in der Praxis starkere Beachtung findet. Diese Entwicklung...
Die 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr Operations Research fand vom 21. bis 23. September 1977 in den Raumen der Christian-Albrechts-Unive...
Die Unternehmensplanung gewinnt mit zunehmender Harte der Konkurrenz auf den inter nationalen Markten, die durch den Aufstieg der ostasiatischen Region im allgemeinen und Japans im besonderen zu einer wirtschaftlichen WeItmacht und durch die Industrialisie rung der Entwicklungslander bedingt ist, eine immer gr6fiere einzel- und gesamtwirtschaft liche Bedeutung. Nur durch besondere Leistungen auf diesem Gebiet konnen die deut schen Unternehmen langfristig ihre Positition auf den WeItmarkten und auf dem deut schen Markt haIten und verbessern. Wir sind daher der Fernuniversitat Hagen und insbe...
Die Unternehmensplanung gewinnt mit zunehmender Harte der Konkurrenz auf den inter nationalen Markten, die durch den Aufstieg der ostasiatischen Regio...
This book has an objective and a focus. It provides the reader with: an in-depth acquaintance with the theory of the firm developed by Erich Gutenberg an insight into a coherent body of current German research in the theory of the firm. The book is divided into two parts. The first part lays the foundations. It presents Gutenberg's theory of the firm to the English speaking reader. Considering the great importance that Erich Gutenberg has had in Germany and taking into consideration the impact that the translations of his path-breaking three volumes "Principles of Management" have had in...
This book has an objective and a focus. It provides the reader with: an in-depth acquaintance with the theory of the firm developed by Erich Gutenberg...