"The world is ending, Forest, and the other side is shining through." (Book One) The small town of Winsted and the ancient lake above it are overshadowed by a mystery, a secret involving the very nature of reality itself. For every hundred years the Road returns to earth, and must be walked, by those whom Arheled has called. Ancient, laden with wisdom and with sorrow, the eternal guardian of the Road watches from the mountain named Temple Fell outside the town and broods over the pettiness of Men. Yet each century he must summon those who are wise, and teach them secrets that destroy the one...
"The world is ending, Forest, and the other side is shining through." (Book One) The small town of Winsted and the ancient lake above it are overshado...
One thousand years ago, the world ended. The Ancients covered the earth, a global civilization of such fascinating complexity as to defy imagination. Then the ancient fay-people, the Gardun-Houldu, returned, and with them the Heir of their Rings, who unleashed the Wrath of Eldarendar. And of all that civilization, eight cities alone remained. Now it is 3030 AD, and mankind has grown technological once again, learning to walk amid the stars, and Eldarendar tolerates this as long as it stays in the cities. But in the stars, they are beyond his reach, and he is worried, and the Pope is worried...
One thousand years ago, the world ended. The Ancients covered the earth, a global civilization of such fascinating complexity as to defy imagination. ...
"The world is ending, Forest, and the other side is shining through." The small town of Winsted and the ancient lake above it are overshadowed by a strange and deep mystery, a secret involving the very nature of reality itself. For every hundred years the Road returns to earth, and must be walked, by those whom Arheled has called. Ancient, laden with wisdom and with sorrow, the eternal guardian of the Road watches from the mountain named Temple Fell outside the town and broods over the pettiness of Men. Yet each century he must summon those who are wise, and teach them secrets that destroy...
"The world is ending, Forest, and the other side is shining through." The small town of Winsted and the ancient lake above it are overshadowed by a st...
In 1998 Chinese armies conquered the state of Connecticut. Resistence was carried on by scattered outlaws hiding in the woods, among them a boy named the Rockrunner who seemed to have superpowers. Government superheros disobeyed Clinton's orders of nonengagement and helped to oust the "pirates" as they code-named themselves. Rockrunner has married now, and has children. And those children inherit his Elven blood, and the weirder blood of other natures that runs within it. He found in a cave an ancient manuscript, containing tales of a civilization in prehistoric Meriden, and of a mysterious...
In 1998 Chinese armies conquered the state of Connecticut. Resistence was carried on by scattered outlaws hiding in the woods, among them a boy named ...
The War on Christmas has reached a new level. Farmer Nicholas Merriweather runs an old-fashioned country store, selling antique toys and candies and Christmas goods: and he has many strange workers, suspiciously handsome and agile. The Store is forging a Seasons Greetings Army, with Antichristmas Weapons fuelled by an ancient power, the pagan Solstice, by means of which they intend to destroy not only Christmas, but Santa himself. There is only one problem....the North Pole was conquered already by them 100 years ago, and Santa's whereabouts are unknown. In the mountains of the North Gate...
The War on Christmas has reached a new level. Farmer Nicholas Merriweather runs an old-fashioned country store, selling antique toys and candies and C...
One thousand years ago, the world ended. The Ancients covered the earth, a global civilization of such fascinating complexity as to defy imagination. Then the ancient fay-people, the Gardun-Houldu, returned, and with them the Heir of their Rings, who unleashed the Wrath of Eldarendar. And of all that civilization, eight cities alone remained. Now it is 3030 AD, and mankind has grown technological once again, learning to walk amid the stars, and Eldarendar tolerates this as long as it stays in the cities. But in the stars, they are beyond his reach, and he is worried, and the Pope is worried...
One thousand years ago, the world ended. The Ancients covered the earth, a global civilization of such fascinating complexity as to defy imagination. ...
TO KILL THE WORLD When the Sea Riders descend beneath Lamentation Mountain in Meriden, they are forewarned that all of them will die. Beneath the ruins of his old house, Robin discovers an armoury, and an ancient sword. When he grips it, words rise of themselves in his head as he claims it for his own. It is the SWord of the Gardun-Houldu. Ancient, few, long-lived, the fay-race of golden-haired was driven from the world ages ago by the sorceries of Men, the hated Morku. But they left behind them Eleven Rings, and the Sword. The blood of the Heir of the Rings also remained, diluted among Men,...
TO KILL THE WORLD When the Sea Riders descend beneath Lamentation Mountain in Meriden, they are forewarned that all of them will die. Beneath the rui...
THE MORKU DO I HATE, AND THEM WILL I DESTROY Eldarendar, the terrible Heir of the Rings, has Ten of the Eleven that he needs. The Ring of Wisdom waits for him, beneath the Cidatel of Fairyland, guarded by the demonic Dweller in the Darkness, known only as He that Dwells Beneath. And after this is obtained, the Dark King still waits for the Heir beneath Lamentation Mountain. A mysterious archaeological dig is being carried out at Bialowieza Forest National Park, with an unusual amount of armed guards. The Guides are suspicious, and as it turns out, rightly so. Commanded by the sinister and...
THE MORKU DO I HATE, AND THEM WILL I DESTROY Eldarendar, the terrible Heir of the Rings, has Ten of the Eleven that he needs. The Ring of Wisdom wait...
THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS CONTINUES The Train is laid to rest in the Graves of Arheled, and Farmer Merriweather, the human guise of St. Nicholas, is free to continue selling toys at his farm store, in addition to firing up his ancient Workshop in the reconquered North Pole. But children are vanishing, and some of them are of the Hogan family, who are known to be staunch Sons of Christmas, so named for the calibur of their Christmas spirit. And train whistles are being heard, in a town where no railroad has existed for 50 years. When Merriweather Farm is invaded by ninjas wielding Antichristmas...
THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS CONTINUES The Train is laid to rest in the Graves of Arheled, and Farmer Merriweather, the human guise of St. Nicholas, is free ...