-I feel like they act like they're so diverse and multicultural.This is not a representation of how it is for people who go here.-
-I know of several occasions, if it weren't for several faculty of color, I don't know how I would have made it from one day to the next.- -- from student interviews
Have three decades of integration and multicultural initiatives in higher education delivered a better education to all students? Are majority and minority students reaping similar benefits, specifically in predominantly white colleges? Do we know what a multicultural campus...
-I feel like they act like they're so diverse and multicultural.This is not a representation of how it is for people who go here.-
In this important volume, the authors focus on the connections between academic learning and student affairs. Beginning with the premise that academic learning is a critical part of the overall personal development of each student, the authors show how student affairs professionals can work in harmony with their academic colleagues to create a campus milieu that is truly conducive to that development. Such a milieu would offer a rich array of social, athletic, academic, and artistic events, all of which would enrich, enhance, and give deeper meaning to the learning that occurs in the...
In this important volume, the authors focus on the connections between academic learning and student affairs. Beginning with the premise that academic...
The narratives in this book engage the reader and take him or her on a journey to understanding of what it means to be a male teacher who works in early childhood education or with young children. They passionately share of their challenges to be involved in childrens lives because they are called to do so; this work is part of their life purpose. Their narratives details interactions between the teacher and the day-to-day lives of students, parents, peers and supervisors while sharing what it takes to survive as a man in what is perceived, very often in our post-modern world as womens work....
The narratives in this book engage the reader and take him or her on a journey to understanding of what it means to be a male teacher who works in ear...
The narratives in this book engage the reader and take him or her on a journey to understanding of what it means to be a male teacher who works in early childhood education or with young children. They passionately share of their challenges to be involved in childrens lives because they are called to do so; this work is part of their life purpose. Their narratives details interactions between the teacher and the day-to-day lives of students, parents, peers and supervisors while sharing what it takes to survive as a man in what is perceived, very often in our post-modern world as womens work....
The narratives in this book engage the reader and take him or her on a journey to understanding of what it means to be a male teacher who works in ear...