Fungi playa major role in the sustainability of the biosphere, and mycorrhizal fungi are essential for the growth of many of our woods and forests. The applications of fungi in agriculture, industry and biotechnology remain of paramount importance, as does their use as a source of drugs and to help clean up our environment. This volume contains key papers from the conference 'From Ethnomycology to Fungal Biotechnology: Exploiting Fungi from Natural Resources for Novel Products'. This was the first international scientific conference covering the transfer of traditional remedies and processes...
Fungi playa major role in the sustainability of the biosphere, and mycorrhizal fungi are essential for the growth of many of our woods and forests. Th...
The fundamental problem the world faces today, is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on the limited resources of the land. To meet the ever increasing demands of expanding populations, agricultural production has been raised through the abundant use of inorganic fertilizers, the adoption of multicropping systems and liberal application of chemical pesticides (fungicides, bactericides, etc. ). Though the use of chemicals has increased the yield dramatically, it has also resulted in the rapid deterioration of land and water resources apart from wastage of scarce...
The fundamental problem the world faces today, is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on the limited resources of the land....
Fungi playa major role in the sustainability of the biosphere, and mycorrhizal fungi are essential for the growth of many of our woods and forests. The applications of fungi in agriculture, industry and biotechnology remain of paramount importance, as does their use as a source of drugs and to help clean up our environment. This volume contains key papers from the conference 'From Ethnomycology to Fungal Biotechnology: Exploiting Fungi from Natural Resources for Novel Products'. This was the first international scientific conference covering the transfer of traditional remedies and processes...
Fungi playa major role in the sustainability of the biosphere, and mycorrhizal fungi are essential for the growth of many of our woods and forests. Th...