Milan, 1497: Leonardo da Vinci is completing his masterpiece, The Last Supper. Pope Alexander VI is determined to execute him after realizing that the painting contains clues to a baffling -- and blasphemous -- message, which he is determined to decode. The Holy Grail and the Eucharistic Bread are missing, there is no meat on the table and, shockingly, the apostles are portraits of well-known heretics -- none of them depicted with halos. And why has the artist painted himself into the scene with his back turned toward Jesus? The clues to Leonardo's greatest puzzle are right before your...
Milan, 1497: Leonardo da Vinci is completing his masterpiece, The Last Supper. Pope Alexander VI is determined to execute him after realizing t...
Javier Sierra, autor del bestseller internacional LA CENA SECRETA, nos ofrece ahora una novela de misterio e intriga sobre una de las leyendas mas antiguas y extranas de America -la dama azul. En Los Angeles, Jennifer Narody, antigua espia del Departamento de Defensa, suena repetidamente con una fantasmagorica mujer vestida de azul. Jennifer no lo sabe, pero ese mismo espiritu se aparecio mas de tres siglos atras a los jefes de una tribu indigena de Nuevo Mexico. Al parecer, la verdadera responsable de aquellos sucesos fue una monja espanola que podia "bilocarse" -esto es,...
Javier Sierra, autor del bestseller internacional LA CENA SECRETA, nos ofrece ahora una novela de misterio e intriga sobre una de las leyend...
An elaborately woven novel of intrigue about one of America's most curious and enduring legends -- the enigma of the Lady in Blue In Los Angeles, Jennifer Narody has been having a series of disturbing dreams involving eerie images of a lady dressed in blue. What she doesn't know is that this same spirit appeared to leaders of the Jumano Native American tribe in New Mexico 362 years earlier, and was linked to a Spanish nun capable of powers of "bilocation," or the ability to be in two places simultaneously. Meanwhile, young journalist Carlos Albert is driven by a blinding snowstorm...
An elaborately woven novel of intrigue about one of America's most curious and enduring legends -- the enigma of the Lady in Blue In Los A...
New York Times bestselling author Javier Sierra returns with a heartpounding, apocalyptic thriller about mankind's most ancient desire--and the modern evil some will unleash to obtain it.New York Times bestselling author Javier Sierra returns with a heart-pounding thriller about mankind's most ancient desire--and the modern evil some will unleash to obtain it. In approximately seventy-two hours, a little-known Middle Eastern terrorist group plans to bring about the end of the world. Convinced that they are the descendants of angels and on the verge...
New York Times bestselling author Javier Sierra returns with a heartpounding, apocalyptic thriller about mankind's most ancient desire--and ...