This book examines 'great ideas'- the term used generically to refer to the deep-seated anxieties that art, religion and philosophy all seek to address- in relation to a selection of great literary texts. The texts chosen are those that remain, often centuries after their appearance, beacons of illumination and wisdom. The twelve chapters of this book each deal with one great text and the central idea that propels it.
This book examines 'great ideas'- the term used generically to refer to the deep-seated anxieties that art, religion and philosophy all seek to addres...
Love and evil are real - they are substances of force fields which contain us as constituent parts. Of all the powers of life they are the two most pregnant with meaning, hence the most generative of what is specifically human. Love and evil stand in the closest relationship to each other: evil is both what destroys love and what forces more love out of us; it is, as Augustine astutely grasped, privative (requiring something to negate) but it is also born out of misdirected love. Breaking with naive realist and post-modern dogmas about the nature of the real, this book provides the basis for...
Love and evil are real - they are substances of force fields which contain us as constituent parts. Of all the powers of life they are the two most pr...
A Philosophical History of Love explores the importance and development of love in the Western world. Wayne Cristaudo argues that love is a materializing force, a force consisting of various distinctive qualities or spirits. He argues that we cannot understand Western civilization unless we realize that, within its philosophical and religious heritage, there is a deep and profound recognition of love's creative and redemptive power. Cristaudo explores philosophical love (the love of wisdom) and the love of God and neighbor. The history of the West is equally a history of...
A Philosophical History of Love explores the importance and development of love in the Western world. Wayne Cristaudo argues that love is a m...
Revolutions: Finished and Unfinished, From Primal to Final is an important philosophical contribution to the study of revolution. It not only makes new contributions to the study of particular revolutions, but to developing a philosophy of revolution itself. Many of the contributors have been inspired by the philosophical approaches of Eric Voegelin or Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, and the tension between these two social philosophies adds to the philosophical uniqueness and richness of the work.
Revolutions: Finished and Unfinished, From Primal to Final is an important philosophical contribution to the study of revolution. It not only makes ne...
Making sense of the perplexing diversity of Europe is a challenging task. How compatible are national identities in Europe? What makes Europe European? What do Europeans have in common?
European National Identitiesexplores the diversity of European states, nations, and peoples. In doing so, the editors focus on the origins and elements of different national identities in Europe and different themes of national self-understanding. Each chapter contributes a unique view of national identities gravitating around myth, historical experiences and traumas,...
Making sense of the perplexing diversity of Europe is a challenging task. How compatible are national identities in Europe? What makes Europe Europ...
The study of comparative religion is no longer a matter merely for those interested in religion - it is a matter of concern for everybody. For irrespective of whether one believes in God, religion is a major characteristic of identity. And in the post 9/11 world, every educated person is aware of how important it is to understand what others believe. This collection of essays by international scholars emerged from an intense and powerful dialogue at the University of Hong Kong about love in the major religions of the world. Eschewing the comforting, but ultimately erroneous and dangerous idea...
The study of comparative religion is no longer a matter merely for those interested in religion - it is a matter of concern for everybody. For irrespe...
Description: An ethics of timing--each moment in time requires a responsible answer. New values emerge with new challenges, but we also draw from former learning experiences, values, and human qualities. How does social dialogue create a common support base for dealing with change? How can economics and politics be effectively organized by such interaction? How to answer questions of intercultural management and peace to prevent a clash of civilizations? Differences should not be erased; instead, they should be coordinated by timely alternation. By listening to the times we are in and to...
Description: An ethics of timing--each moment in time requires a responsible answer. New values emerge with new challenges, but we also draw from ...