Danger City is a metropolis where crime runs rampant throughout the streets. One man has taken it upon himself to police the streets...even when the actual police have asked him not to. Read the continuing adventures & misadventures of the Dark Crusader as he takes on street thugs, crime bosses, cosplayers and a demon named Phil, all in the name of JUSTICE.
Danger City is a metropolis where crime runs rampant throughout the streets. One man has taken it upon himself to police the streets...even when the a...
This book analyses the foreign policy of the United States towards Cambodia by examining the belief system of the key players. It covers the invasion of Cambodia by the Vietnamese during the Carter administration, their occupation of Cambodia through both Reagan administrations and their eventual withdrawal during Bush's tenure. It concludes on the brink of the UN sponsored elections of 1993 and provides a short epilogue which brings the story up to 1997. As an examination of US foreign policy within decision-making elites it makes a contribution to decision-making theory and foreign policy...
This book analyses the foreign policy of the United States towards Cambodia by examining the belief system of the key players. It covers the invasion ...