This book presents in its first part the financial determinants of innovation processes considered in a macro-economic perspective, which are limited by short-term constraints, and studies in its second part the linkages existing between the necessity to innovate in order to survive and the constant attention given to financial results.
This book presents in its first part the financial determinants of innovation processes considered in a macro-economic perspective, which are limited ...
This book examines the life and works of John Kenneth Galbraith and demonstrates how his non-conventional approach to economics is critical to understanding the trouble that currently exists within economics and economic policies. With new perspectives on his work, this book proposes new answers to the economic challenges both industrialized and developing economies are facing.
This book examines the life and works of John Kenneth Galbraith and demonstrates how his non-conventional approach to economics is critical to underst...
In contrast to the linear -take-make-dispose- model of resource consumption, a new industrial model is proposed in the form of a circular economy. This model aims to optimize the use of resources and to reduce or eliminate waste, and is based on re-use, repair, ecodesign, industrial ecology, sustainable supply and responsible consumption.
Industrial ecology and short supply chains can contribute - particularly on a territorial scale - to the emergence of a real sustainable development. This book develops these concepts and presents experiments that are taking place in France and...
In contrast to the linear -take-make-dispose- model of resource consumption, a new industrial model is proposed in the form of a circular economy. ...
Depuis le Rapport Brundtland de 1987 et surtout apres l agenda pour le 21e siecle qui a fourni un carnet de route, la question d un developpement economique durable conciliant la preservation de l environnement, une plus grande equite sociale et la performance economique est au c ur des debats de politique economique mais aussi dans les sciences economiques et de gestion. Mais comment sortir de la routine economique en misant sur le developpement durable ? Pour construire cette nouvelle economie, le changement economique, technologique, social et politique est necessaire. Mais les...
Depuis le Rapport Brundtland de 1987 et surtout apres l agenda pour le 21e siecle qui a fourni un carnet de route, la question d un developpement econ...