Unexpected and hilarious twists make this version of the classic an entirely different romp for the whole family. The cast of seven play nine roles: Beauty, The Beast, Father, Mother, Stepsister, Boyfriend, a hound dog, a theatrical entrepreneur and a hopelessly inept tap dancer whose thankless job is to distract the audience during the scene alterations. There is only a single set that ingeniously converts from farm to castle and back again in a few seconds. Underlying the hilarity is a solid message about...
Children's musical
Characters: 3 male, 4 female
Set: Exterior and Interior
Unexpected and hilarious twists make this version of the classi...
Perfect for any theatre group, this is the hilarious story of a theater group trying desperately to put on a play in spite of maddening interference from a haughty authoress who keeps revising the script. Act I is a rehearsal of the dreadful show, Act II is the near disastrous dress rehearsal, and the final act is the actual performance in which anything that can go wrong does. When the authoress decides to give a speech on the state of the modern theatre during the curtain calls, the audience is treated to a madcap climax...
Characters: 3 male, 7 female
Interior Set
Perfect for any theatre group, this is the hilarious story of a theater group try...
This lunatic show poses a fascinating mystery. When Barnaby Folcey is murdered at a family gathering at Marlgate Manor, it transpires that he had a motive to murder everybody else, but no one had a reason to want him dead.
This lunatic show poses a fascinating mystery. When Barnaby Folcey is murdered at a family gathering at Marlgate Manor, it transpires that he had a mo...