This exciting legal thriller features Karen B. Clark, who finished law school at Harvard only three years ago but is already a stereotypical "burned-out" lawyer. Weary of life in New York City, bored by the work at her Wall Street law firm, and fed up with her two-timing boyfriend, Karen impulsively takes off for a lawyers' convention in Chicago. There she meets another young woman named Karen B. Clark, whom Karen calls "K.B." K.B. has just finished law school and is about to begin her legal career in the small town of Walden, Wisconsin, where a law firm has hired her, sight unseen. When both...
This exciting legal thriller features Karen B. Clark, who finished law school at Harvard only three years ago but is already a stereotypical "burned-o...
Here's an exciting mystery with a twist. It features a stay-at-home mom who reinvents herself as a savvy sleuth. Alison Ross has chosen to temporarily abandon her demanding career as a lawyer so she can spend more time at home with her two young children. She'd like to find a part-time job, but because "the law is a jealous mistress," requiring a full-time commitment, her search for part-time work has led nowhere. Early one morning, Alison stumbles across a dead body at her daughter's nursery school. Because she saw the school janitor making a hasty exit, she reluctantly becomes enmeshed in...
Here's an exciting mystery with a twist. It features a stay-at-home mom who reinvents herself as a savvy sleuth. Alison Ross has chosen to temporarily...
Maggie Eliot has a problem. The American academic is supposed to be writing a book during a sabbatical year from her position at Oxford and has come down with a bad case of writer's block. Her friend Anne arranges for Maggie to borrow a cottage in a picturesque village in the Cotswolds, where she can write without distractions. When even this fails to do the trick, Anne decides what Maggie needs is a complete break and convinces her friend to accompany her to a snowdrop study weekend. The small white flowers have been selling at stratospheric prices and Anne wants to see what all the fuss is...
Maggie Eliot has a problem. The American academic is supposed to be writing a book during a sabbatical year from her position at Oxford and has come d...