In a time when churches are focusing on finding strategies and techniques to guarantee success, a movement toward the missional church is emerging. Missional churches are communities created by the Spirit with a unique nature and identity. Purpose and strategies of the church are derivative dimensions, the activities that flow naturally from the church that is focused on Spirit-led ministry.
The Ministry of the Missional Church leads pastors, ministry leaders, and laypersons through three simple arguments--the church is; the church does what it is; the church organizes what it...
In a time when churches are focusing on finding strategies and techniques to guarantee success, a movement toward the missional church is emerging. Mi...
This excellent collection of essays, written by a diverse group of Christian leaders working on the frontier of mission within the present North American context, lays the groundwork for the newly emerging missionary encounter of the gospel with North American culture. Demonstrating that the missionary identity of the church is to be found at the intersection of culture-gospel-church, these essays outline the missionary agenda now before the church as it confronts North American assumptions, perspectives, preferences, and practices.
This excellent collection of essays, written by a diverse group of Christian leaders working on the frontier of mission within the present North Ameri...
The missional church conversation continues to make a vital contribution to thinking about congregations and their contexts, addressing the essential question What does it really mean to be church? This book offers substantial, clarifying insights into that ongoing dialogue.
Contributors: Mark Lau Branson James Tzu-Kao Chai Mary Sue Dehmlow Dreier Terri Martinson Elton Scott Frederickson Joon Ho Lee Gary M. Simpson Craig Van Gelder
The missional church conversation continues to make a vital contribution to thinking about congregations and their contexts, addressing the essential ...
How do we make the gospel clear and the church relevant to the changing culture in North America? In Confident Witness - Changing World, twenty-two scholars and skilled ministry practitioners explore this complex question not only theoretically but also in practical terms immediately useful to pastors and church leaders. Designed to serve as a springboard for group discussion or for deeper study of the subjects covered, this volume will be a valuable resource for those currently working on the front lines of ministry.
How do we make the gospel clear and the church relevant to the changing culture in North America? In Confident Witness - Changing World, twenty-two sc...
* A no-nonsense articulation of the core principles for transformational congregations * From two of the church's most authoritative voices in the field of transformational leadership
* A no-nonsense articulation of the core principles for transformational congregations * From two of the church's most authoritative voices in the fie...
In this volume seven scholars provide a helpful map for charting a number of the shifts at the intersection of theological education and congregational development, offering readers keen insights into how to navigate their complexities. Theological educators, seminary students, pastors, and denominational officials and staff will find in these pages substantive biblical and theological perspectives that help to frame specific approaches to moral deliberation and decision-making within congregations -- and through congregations for the sake of the world.
Contributors: ...
In this volume seven scholars provide a helpful map for charting a number of the shifts at the intersection of theological education and congregationa...
In this book, two leading ministry experts place the missional church conversation in historical perspective and offer fresh insights for its further development. They begin by providing a helpful review of the genesis of the missional church and offering an insightful critique of the Gospel and Our Culture Network's seminal book Missional Church, which set the conversation in motion. They map the diverse paths this discussion has taken over the past decade, identifying four primary branches and ten sub-branches of the conversation and placing over one hundred published titles and...
In this book, two leading ministry experts place the missional church conversation in historical perspective and offer fresh insights for its further ...
The purpose of this book is to provide a theologically sound yet easy-to-use resource, based on the image of God, that can help congregations engage relationally in their neighborhoods. Rather than using the neighborhood as a resource to help make congregations successful, The Neighborhood Church contends that God places congregations in neighborhoods to help make neighborhoods successful in accordance with God's vision. This book is intended as a resource for pastors and other church leaders who pour significant amounts of energy into their congregations but feel frustrated with the results....
The purpose of this book is to provide a theologically sound yet easy-to-use resource, based on the image of God, that can help congregations engage r...
The Trinity can be understood as a social community with members speaking and listening to one another in love, or, as Luther understood the Trinity, as conversation, then God's mission essentially involves in mission-in-dialogue. Byungohk Lee contends the church has to embrace the dialogical dimension in missional terms because the triune God is the subject of mission. The missional church conversation has taken it for granted that local churches should speak and listen to their neighbors. In contrast, for many churches in Asia, including Korea, mission has generally tended to be practiced...
The Trinity can be understood as a social community with members speaking and listening to one another in love, or, as Luther understood the Trinity, ...