Children in grades 1, 2, and 3 will love the games, puzzles, mazes, and activities designed to help them focus on the themes and traditions of the Advent season. Packed with colorful illustrations, Every Day of Advent and Christmas includes an Advent calendar to help children focus day by day on the meaning of Advent and Christmas in a way they are sure to enjoy and remember. Booklet
Children in grades 1, 2, and 3 will love the games, puzzles, mazes, and activities designed to help them focus on the themes and traditions of the Adv...
Por que las mujeres no pueden ser ordenadas sacerdotisas?
Que piensa la iglesia sobre el divorcio?
Estas y 500 preguntas mas se tomaron de las cartas que, a lo largo de los anos, cientos de lectores enviaron a Mensaje--el Ministerio de Comunicaciones de la Arquidiocesis de Nueva Orleans. Las preguntas se contestaron en revistas y periodicos publicados por esta oficina.
Este libro de ninguna manera pretende ser una enciclopedia teologica o un tratado sistematico sobre la...