Nineteenth-Century Writings on Homosexuality is a comprehensive collection which provides, for the first time in one volume, many texts unavailable outside specialised academic libraries. Chris White has brought together a wide range of primary source material, including prose, poetry, fiction, history and polemic from 1810 to 1914. Nineteenth-Century Writings on Homosexuality includes writing on: * trials and scandals * censorship and homophobia * cultural and personal history * love and friendship * lesbianism * aestheticism and decadence *...
Nineteenth-Century Writings on Homosexuality is a comprehensive collection which provides, for the first time in one volume, many texts unava...
A collection of texts concerned with same-sex desire in the 19th and early-20th century. This comprehensive collection ranges widely both generically and chronologically, including prose, poetry, fiction, history and polemic from 1810 to 1914. Containing a general introduction, section headnotes, a bibliography of primary and secondary source material, and sections on The Law, Science, Love, and Sex. It includes writing on: trials and scandals; censorship and homophobia; cultural and personal history; love and friendship; lesbianism; aestheticism and decadence; sexual tourism and colonialism;...
A collection of texts concerned with same-sex desire in the 19th and early-20th century. This comprehensive collection ranges widely both generically ...
High adventure from 50-foot waves in a horrendous Bering Sea winter storm, to the sinking of his own boat under him, Captain Chris White is an Alaskan commercial fisherman seeking risk and danger to find himself. (Male Adventure)
High adventure from 50-foot waves in a horrendous Bering Sea winter storm, to the sinking of his own boat under him, Captain Chris White is an Alaskan...
Ce livre aborde la programmation systA]me en shell et en langage C sous environnement UNIX ou LINUX. La premiA]re partie du livre se focalise sur l'interprA(c)teur des commandes shell: ses concepts, les mA(c)tacaractA]res, les redirections, les fichiers, les processus et enfin la programmation shell. La seconde partie est consacrA(c)e au langage C. Elle prA(c)sente les principaux concepts du langage: types de base, types dA(c)rivA(c)s, variables, fonctions, pointeurs, compilation, etc. La programmation systA]me en C concerne la crA(c)ation des processus, le recouvrement des processus et les...
Ce livre aborde la programmation systA]me en shell et en langage C sous environnement UNIX ou LINUX. La premiA]re partie du livre se focalise sur l'in...