This book is both a fascinating account of dream therapy and an exploration of the symbolism of the hare in myth and fable around the world. John Layard, a British Jungian analyst, first recounts his treatment of a devout Christian woman whose dream of the sacrifice of a hare marked a turning point in her spiritual and psychological healing. He then goes on to examine the meaning of the hare in the mythology of Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Among the many manifestations of this universal archetype are the hare as trickster-hero, as a goddess...
This book is both a fascinating account of dream therapy and an exploration of the symbolism of the hare in myth and fable around the world. John Laya...
Why do Black Americans go to Africa? How do they react to their ancestral motherland? Why do some return to the States and others remain? Obviously each has an individual story, but in these in-depth interviews, Professor Robert Johnson gives voice to many of their reasons and responses.
The interviews speak to the essential question of Black Americans and their links--emotional, spiritual, and even physical--to Africa, or the lack thereof. After an introductory survey of efforts from the 18th century onward to relocate back to Africa, Johnson presents the interviews conducted from the...
Why do Black Americans go to Africa? How do they react to their ancestral motherland? Why do some return to the States and others remain? Obviously...