Inspirational fiction at its finest, The Birth tells the tale of the incarnation as seen from both realms--heaven and earth. A spectacular work of fiction backed by Tyndale with aggressive marketing support.
Inspirational fiction at its finest, The Birth tells the tale of the incarnation as seen from both realms--heaven and earth. A spectacular work of fic...
The fourth volume in this exciting series recounts the biblical narrative of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Through the story, Gene Edwards explains in a profound and compelling way some of the deep theological mysteries of the Christian faith.
The fourth volume in this exciting series recounts the biblical narrative of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Through the story, Gene Edwards expl...
An inspirational account of the mystery and marvel of Creation from the angels' perspective. Man rules in fellowship with his Creator until he succumbs to the fallen angel of light, and the door is closed.
An inspirational account of the mystery and marvel of Creation from the angels' perspective. Man rules in fellowship with his Creator until he succumb...
This biblical narrative depicts God's calling of Abram, the account of the patriarchs, and the Exodus as seen from the perspective of both man and the heavenly realm.
This biblical narrative depicts God's calling of Abram, the account of the patriarchs, and the Exodus as seen from the perspective of both man and the...
Here is a new and revolutionary look at what the New Testament says about Christian women. Expect to be surprised.
Every Christian woman at sometime has wondered if perhaps she has an inferior role in the church. Gene Edwards ends such a view. He also unravels the confusing passages in 1 Corinthians, Chapters Eleven and Fourteen. These are passages that look as though women have an inferior place in the kingdom of God.
The Christian Woman...Set Free settles forever the reality of the Christian woman's place in the kingdom of God.
Here is a new and revolutionary look at what the New Testament says about Christian women. Expect to be surprised.