Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first World Series with The World Series Most Wanted(TM)M/i>. You'll find fascinating facts, oddball tales, and record-breaking achievements from that initial World Series between the Boston Americans and the Pittsburgh Pirates all the way up to the 2003 World Series.The next in a long line of vaunted Most Wanted(TM) books from Potomac. THE The World Series Most Wanted(TM) tells the tale of October glory and heartbreak, of heroes and goats, and of the thin line between success and failure on baseball's grandest stage. With a hopping sixty...
Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first World Series with The World Series Most Wanted(TM)M/i>. You'll find fascinating facts, oddball tales, ...
Tourism throughout the world raises environmental issues that are often concerned with conflicting rights and responsibilities: the inherent right of mankind to travel, the no-less inherent right of indigenous people to guard their environmental heritage, and the responsibility of governments - local, national or (in the unique case of Antarctica) international - to protect environments over which they exercise stewardship. Additionally, the presence of international commercial enterprises, especially marine and other mass transport modes, represent unique governance challenges.This book...
Tourism throughout the world raises environmental issues that are often concerned with conflicting rights and responsibilities: the inherent right ...