International Satellite Broadcasting in South Asia focuses on the increase in the popularity of television in India beginning with the entrance of Hong Kong Based STAR-TV in 1991. This television system, which initially carried mostly Western programs, radically changed the nature of entertainment communications in countries where communications were generally state-controlled. These essays address the political, economic, and cultural significance and impact of transnational satellite networks in India, questioning the cultural effects of Western media programs on the recipient non-Western...
International Satellite Broadcasting in South Asia focuses on the increase in the popularity of television in India beginning with the entrance of Hon...
Emmanuel K. Ngwainmbi Andy O. Alali Srinivas R. Melkote
Healthcare Management Strategy, Communication, and Development Challenges and Solutions in Developing Countries analyzes the ways in which health services, public health administration, and healthcare policies are managed in developing countries and how intercultural, intergroup, and mass communication practices are weakening those efforts. If developing countries are to reach their development goals, their leaders must have a firm understanding of the impact of infectious diseases on their people and take prompt action to fix socioeconomic issues arising from the problems associated with...
Healthcare Management Strategy, Communication, and Development Challenges and Solutions in Developing Countries analyzes the ways in which health serv...