How does a market globalize? How do antitrust and trade policies speed up or slow down the process? How do firms take part in it? The book offers a comprehensive appraisal of the phenomenon from a thorough study of the cement industry. Considered as a model of spatial competition in economic textbooks and inherently local, the industry globalized in the 1980s. Hence, the originality of the book to deal with an extreme case that highlights the fundamental characteristics of globalization.
How does a market globalize? How do antitrust and trade policies speed up or slow down the process? How do firms take part in it? The book offers a co...
How does a market globalize? How do antitrust and trade policies speed up or slow down the process? How do firms take part in it? The book offers a comprehensive appraisal of the phenomenon from a thorough study of the cement industry. Considered as a model of spatial competition in economic textbooks and inherently local, the industry globalized in the 1980s. Hence, the originality of the book to deal with an extreme case that highlights the fundamental characteristics of globalization.
How does a market globalize? How do antitrust and trade policies speed up or slow down the process? How do firms take part in it? The book offers a co...