In December 1997, in a small town in rural Australia, a fight broke out among local Aborigines that turned into a full-blown riot when police intervened in force. In Blackfellas, Whitefellas, and the Hidden Injuries of Race, anthropologist Gillian Cowlishaw uses this vivid incident as a means of launching a larger discussion about race, identity, and racialized violence.
Brings indigenous Australians into the contemporary global race discourse in a lively, highly readable ethnography.
Explores the local and national meanings of a race riot...
In December 1997, in a small town in rural Australia, a fight broke out among local Aborigines that turned into a full-blown riot when police interven...
In December 1997, in a small town in rural Australia, a fight broke out among local Aborigines that turned into a full-blown riot when police intervened in force. In Blackfellas, Whitefellas, and the Hidden Injuries of Race, anthropologist Gillian Cowlishaw uses this vivid incident as a means of launching a larger discussion about race, identity, and racialized violence.
Brings indigenous Australians into the contemporary global race discourse in a lively, highly readable ethnography.
Explores the local and national meanings of a race riot...
In December 1997, in a small town in rural Australia, a fight broke out among local Aborigines that turned into a full-blown riot when police interven...