A significant contribution to memory studies and part of an emergent strand of work on global memory. This book offers important insights on topics relating to memory, globalization, international politics, international relations, Holocaust studies and media and communication studies.
A significant contribution to memory studies and part of an emergent strand of work on global memory. This book offers important insights on topics re...
Examining the role of memory in the transition from totalitarian to democratic systems, this book makes an important contribution to memory studies. It explores memory as a medium of and impediment to change, looking at memory's biological, cultural, narrative and socio-psychological dimensions.
Examining the role of memory in the transition from totalitarian to democratic systems, this book makes an important contribution to memory studies. I...
We have left the twentieth century, but this century of violence and extremes has not left us: Its shadow has become longer and blacker. Seventy years after the end of the Second World War, the memory of the Holocaust is less and less anchored in the lived experience of survivors and witnesses. Shadows of Trauma analyzes the transformation of the past from an individual experience to a collective construction, with special attention to the tensions that arise when personal experience collides with official commemoration. In addition to surveying memory's important terms and...
We have left the twentieth century, but this century of violence and extremes has not left us: Its shadow has become longer and blacker. Seventy years...
We have left the twentieth century, but this century of violence and extremes has not left us: Its shadow has become longer and blacker. Seventy years after the end of the Second World War, the memory of the Holocaust is less and less anchored in the lived experience of survivors and witnesses. Shadows of Trauma analyzes the transformation of the past from an individual experience to a collective construction, with special attention to the tensions that arise when personal experience collides with official commemoration. In addition to surveying memory's important terms and...
We have left the twentieth century, but this century of violence and extremes has not left us: Its shadow has become longer and blacker. Seventy years...
This volume extends the theoretical scope of the important concept of empathy by analysing not only the cultural contexts that foster the generating of empathy, but in focusing also on the limits of pro-social feelings and the mechanisms that lead to its blocking.
This volume extends the theoretical scope of the important concept of empathy by analysing not only the cultural contexts that foster the generating o...
Das Buch gliedert sich in die Kapitel ,Zeichen', ,Medien', ,Körper', ,Zeit', ,Raum', ,Gedächtnis', ,Identität'. Es möchte möglichst voraussetzungslose Einstiege in komplexere theoretische und historische Zusammenhänge eröffnen und dabei auch das Interesse an Literatur verschiedener Gattungen und Epochen wecken. Der Band versteht sich nicht nur als Einführung, sondern auch als ein studienbegleitendes Hilfsmittel für eigenständige Erkundungen des Zusammenhangs von Textlektüre und wichtigen aktuellen Grundfragen der Kultur. "Aleida Assmanns Buch überschreitet immer wieder die Grenzen...
Das Buch gliedert sich in die Kapitel ,Zeichen', ,Medien', ,Körper', ,Zeit', ,Raum', ,Gedächtnis', ,Identität'. Es möchte möglichst voraussetzung...