Based on European health initiatives on reducing workplace risks and promoting workplace health, Promoting Health for Working Women focuses on issues that predominantly or exclusively affect women, or have gender-specific implications because of differences or special circumstances that exist at the workplace. The editors and their twenty collaborators combine theoretical, research, and practical perspectives to create a framework for studying female workers health issues and risks. The methodology for organizing on-site health promotion interventions at the workplace is presented...
Based on European health initiatives on reducing workplace risks and promoting workplace health, Promoting Health for Working Women focuse...
One important reason for the multitude of research activities in this field is because physical inactivity and nutrition are significant risk factors for many common non-communicable diseases. During the past decades physical inactivity and high dietary fat intakes have become increasingly prevalent in people s daily lives in industrialised countries. To prevent and to tackle these major diseases, there is a need for a much better understanding of the basic biological and underlying patho-physiological processes, as well as more relevant baseline data describing food intakes and physical...
One important reason for the multitude of research activities in this field is because physical inactivity and nutrition are significant risk facto...
on the environment and actively to reduce the burden of mortality and disease on human populations and ecosystems. T ere is no time for complacency. Actions must be taken urgently to protect the environment of Europe and assure the health of its citizens. 1 Executive Director, European Environment Agency 2 Director, Special Programme on Health and Environment, WHO Regional Of ce for Europe 00_weather 00_weather events_neu. indd XVIII events_neu. indd XVIII 22. 06. 2005 22. 06. 2005 13:01:07 13:01:07 Editorial Si le respect de lhomme est fonde dans le c ur des hommes, les hommes f niront bien...
on the environment and actively to reduce the burden of mortality and disease on human populations and ecosystems. T ere is no time for complacency. A...
With the background of the 10 years' existence of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) the present book deals with the developments and results of European Public Health in Science and Practice. The contributions involve actual aspects and issues of different topics in Public Health: - Health care management and quality assurance in various settings - Health promotion and prevention for different population groups - Health related information and communication - Health care policy and science.
With the background of the 10 years' existence of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) the present book deals with the developments and resu...
on the environment and actively to reduce the burden of mortality and disease on human populations and ecosystems. T ere is no time for complacency. Actions must be taken urgently to protect the environment of Europe and assure the health of its citizens. 1 Executive Director, European Environment Agency 2 Director, Special Programme on Health and Environment, WHO Regional Of ce for Europe 00_weather 00_weather events_neu. indd XVIII events_neu. indd XVIII 22. 06. 2005 22. 06. 2005 13:01:07 13:01:07 Editorial 'Si le respect de l'homme est fonde dans le c/ur des hommes, les hommes f niront...
on the environment and actively to reduce the burden of mortality and disease on human populations and ecosystems. T ere is no time for complacency. A...
Pravention lasst sich am besten mit vorausschauender Problemvermeidung ubersetzen. Seit der Ottawa-Charta der Weltgesundheitsorganisation gelten Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung als die geeignetsten Instrumente, dem Kostenanstieg im Gesundheitswesen durch Vermeidung des Sozialversicherungsfalls entgegenzuwirken; mit andern Worten: durch Vermeidung von Bedarf an Behandlung, Rehabilitation und Pflege. Die lange politische Missachtung des Praventionsansatzes und seine kaum mehr nennenswerte offentliche Forderung haben zu einer volligen Unterentwicklung hierzulande beigetragen. Der 1....
Pravention lasst sich am besten mit vorausschauender Problemvermeidung ubersetzen. Seit der Ottawa-Charta der Weltgesundheitsorganisation gelten Pr...
Pravention und Versorgungsforschung beziehen sich auf alle Aspekte und Formen der gesundheitlichen Beratung und Versorgung von kranken und chronisch kranken Menschen sowie Menschen mit akuten oder dauerhaften Behinderungen. Gezielte Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung sind integrale Bestandteile eines jeden funktionierenden Gesundheitswesens. Ihre Bedeutung fur die Steigerung der Versorgungsqualitat ist unbestritten. Zur Versorgungskette zahlen nicht nur Pravention, Kuration und Rehabilitation in institutionellen Settings, sondern auch die entsprechenden Leistungen der...
Pravention und Versorgungsforschung beziehen sich auf alle Aspekte und Formen der gesundheitlichen Beratung und Versorgung von kranken und chronisc...
Based on European health initiatives on reducing workplace risks and promoting workplace health, Promoting Health for Working Women focuses on issues that predominantly or exclusively affect women, or have gender-specific implications because of differences or special circumstances that exist at the workplace. The editors and their twenty collaborators combine theoretical, research, and practical perspectives to create a framework for studying female workers health issues and risks. The methodology for organizing on-site health promotion interventions at the workplace is presented...
Based on European health initiatives on reducing workplace risks and promoting workplace health, Promoting Health for Working Women focuse...
Fehldiagnosen in der Medizin haben meist schwerwiegende Folgen fur den Patienten: eine falsche Therapie und verschlechterte Prognose konnen die Lebensqualitat nachhaltig beeinflussen. Das vorliegende Buch macht auf das Thema "Fehldiagnosen und Patientensicherheit" unter dem Aspekt eines immensen diagnostischen Fortschritts aufmerksam.
Nach einem Einfuhrungskapitel zur Definition und Haufigkeit von Fehldiagnosen werden Fehldiagnosen aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen der Inneren Medizin dargestellt. Aber auch Irrtumer in der Arzneitherapie finden Beachtung. Zusatzlich bietet das Buch...
Fehldiagnosen in der Medizin haben meist schwerwiegende Folgen fur den Patienten: eine falsche Therapie und verschlechterte Prognose konnen die Leb...
With the background of the 10 years' existence of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) the present book deals with the developments and results of European Public Health in Science and Practice. The contributions involve actual aspects and issues of different topics in Public Health: - Health care management and quality assurance in various settings - Health promotion and prevention for different population groups - Health related information and communication - Health care policy and science.
With the background of the 10 years' existence of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) the present book deals with the developments and resu...