Most German-speaking researchers in the area of infant development are familiar with the research conducted in English. However, most English-speaking researchers are relatively unaware of the work currently being done in German. This volume is designed to remedy this imbalance and to promote international collaboration. The book's contributors -- an exciting and innovative group of German-speaking scholars -- provide up-to-date summaries of theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives on development. They review evidence and present points of view of great interest to all...
Most German-speaking researchers in the area of infant development are familiar with the research conducted in English. However, most English-speaking...
After decades of focusing on the mother's role in parenting, family studies researchers have turned their attention to the role of the father in parenting and family development. The results shed new light on childhood development and question conventional wisdom by showing that beyond providing the more traditional economic support of the family, fathers do indeed matter when it comes to raising a child. Stemming from a series of workshops and publications sponsored by the Family and Child Well-Being Network, under the federal fatherhood initiative of the National Institute of Child...
After decades of focusing on the mother's role in parenting, family studies researchers have turned their attention to the role of the father in paren...