The research on human intelligence is based on almost all disciplines of modern science. The following questions must be answered: What is information? How does information processing emerge? Can we trace the long and tortuous path of biotic evolution from reflex, through instinct, towards intelligence? The brain, as the most complex system of macro- and micro-structures, unifies energetic, electrical and chemical phenomena and carries human intelligence. Brain functions include memory, emotions, attention, etc. Are there gender differences? Speech, self-consciousness and the feeling of free...
The research on human intelligence is based on almost all disciplines of modern science. The following questions must be answered: What is information...
My intention in this book is to describe in simple language, using a minimum of mathematics but a maximum of numerical values, the most important developments of science dealing with matter and energy on cosmic and global scales. In the conventional literature all of these findings are distributed among books and journals on physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, biology, energy, engineering, and the environmental sciences. The main purpose here is to attempt to give a unified description of Nature from the elementary particles to the Universe as a whole. This is used as a basis for...
My intention in this book is to describe in simple language, using a minimum of mathematics but a maximum of numerical values, the most important deve...
An important purpose of The Handbook of Environmental Chemi- stry is to aid the understanding of distribution and chemi- cal reaction processes which occur in the environment. It is designed to serve as an important source forenvironmental scientists and decision-makers in industry, governmental and regulatory bodies. Volume 1F is dedicated to geosphere interactions, environmental inorganic geochemistry and the evolution of matter and energy. Contents: "Geosphere Inter- actions on a Convecting Planet: Mixing and Separation" by W.S. Fyfe; "Environmental Inorganic Chemistry of the Conti- nental...
An important purpose of The Handbook of Environmental Chemi- stry is to aid the understanding of distribution and chemi- cal reaction processes which ...