..". one of those rare edited volumes that advances social thought as it provides substantive religious and media ethnography that is good to think with." --Dale Eickelman, Dartmouth College
Increasingly, Pentecostal, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and indigenous movements all over the world make use of a great variety of modern mass media, both print and electronic. Through religious booklets, radio broadcasts, cassette tapes, television talk-shows, soap operas, and documentary film these movements address multiple publics and offer alternative forms of belonging, often in...
..". one of those rare edited volumes that advances social thought as it provides substantive religious and media ethnography that is good to think...
Magic and Modernity is the first book to explore comparatively how magic--usually portrayed as the antithesis of the modern--is also something that is at home in modernity. "Magic" and "modernity" are rarely regarded as belonging together. Evolutionism regarded magic as quintessentially "unmodern." Although psychologists and romantic artists have sometimes declared magic to be a human universal, few modern scholars in the humanities and social sciences have studied how modern culture and institutions incorporated and even produced magic. This book is the first to adopt a comparative...
Magic and Modernity is the first book to explore comparatively how magic--usually portrayed as the antithesis of the modern--is also something ...
Magic and Modernity is the first book to explore comparatively how magic--usually portrayed as the antithesis of the modern--is also something that is at home in modernity. "Magic" and "modernity" are rarely regarded as belonging together. Evolutionism regarded magic as quintessentially "unmodern." Although psychologists and romantic artists have sometimes declared magic to be a human universal, few modern scholars in the humanities and social sciences have studied how modern culture and institutions incorporated and even produced magic. This book is the first to adopt a comparative...
Magic and Modernity is the first book to explore comparatively how magic--usually portrayed as the antithesis of the modern--is also something ...
Questions surrounding modernity and its meanings weigh heavily on students and scholars who study Africa. Becoming modern carries a lot of different meanings and puts concepts of culture, tradition, and nation into uneasy use. Readings in Modernity in Africa brings together classic essays, old and new, to help assess the issues and problems of modernity in an African context. Questions include: How can we discuss modernity without lapsing into a Western-dominated view of history? How do we avoid losing sight of the diversity of local forms? How is it that modernity has such a powerful...
Questions surrounding modernity and its meanings weigh heavily on students and scholars who study Africa. Becoming modern carries a lot of differen...
This book examines the incorporation of newly accessible mass media into practices of religious mediation in a variety of settings including the Pentecostal Church and Islamic movements, as well as the use of religious forms and image in the sphere of radio and cinema.
This book examines the incorporation of newly accessible mass media into practices of religious mediation in a variety of settings including the Pente...
This book offers an ethnography of the emergence of a local Christianity and its relation to changing social, political and economic formations among the Peki Ewe in Ghana.
This book offers an ethnography of the emergence of a local Christianity and its relation to changing social, political and economic formations among ...
Jedes Jahr am 6. Dezember feiern die Kinder den Nikolaustag. In einfachen Worten und farbenfrohen Bildern werden hier die schnsten Legenden ber den heiligen Nikolaus, den Freund der Kinder und Armen, erzhlt. Die stimmungsvollen lllustrationen werden ergnzt durch unterschiedliche Fhlelemente, die einen zustzlichen Spielanreiz bieten.
Jedes Jahr am 6. Dezember feiern die Kinder den Nikolaustag. In einfachen Worten und farbenfrohen Bildern werden hier die schnsten Legenden ber den he...
In an era of intensifying globalization and transnational connectivity, the dynamics of cultural production and the very notion of creativity are in transition. Exploring creative practices in various settings, the book does not only call attention to the spread of modernist discourses of creativity, from the colonial era to the current obsession with 'innovation' in neo-liberal capitalist cultural politics, but also to the less visible practices of copying, recycling and reproduction that occur as part and parcel of creative improvization.
In an era of intensifying globalization and transnational connectivity, the dynamics of cultural production and the very notion of creativity are ...